Belated Blogging From Ocean Springs…..

View from Ocean Springs Park

View from Ocean Springs Park

 I have of course explained before that I am not a technically savvy blogger. That lack of skill became apparent during my recent trip to Ocean Springs as I was unable to access my blog for two reasons. One was an error on my part and the other was the decision to stay in a sort of B&B (that means the Bed and not Breakfast part) where there was no connectivity. At any rate, the next three posts will be catch up as to that trip. Under the circumstances, I will post in daily sequence with wrap-up at the end.

I spent the first night of the trip in Biloxi, and did not arrive in Ocean Springs until the morning of Day Two. As I wrote in a previous blog, we discovered Ocean Springs as we were en-route to New Orleans. It is a really inviting small town on Biloxi Bay. In fact, it is so inviting, that I wanted to come back and look around, plus it’s only an hour and a half from where my brother and sister-in-law live. The plan was for them to come down (well, down and over) on Saturday for a pleasant lunch, then dinner, and my return to FL Sunday afternoon.

The fact that Oak Shade Retreat where I stayed was a short walk to the beach made up for the inconvenience of no internet. I am not at the point in my life to where I need to be “wired 24/7” for most trips.

I saw lots of brown pelicans which I dearly love and a number of other birds as well as plenty of Spanish Moss dripping from the plentiful oak trees that have survived generations of hurricanes. Katrina did a huge amount of damage here and in some places people decided not to rebuild. While the property prices plummeted as they did nation-wide, they are headed back up and waterfront, as always, held its value.

Breakfast my first morning was at the Bayview, a place that does breakfast, lunch, and catering. Enjoyable ambience, had a superb lemon-poppy seed muffin and excellent coffee. Lunch was back over in Biloxi at McElroy Seafood, a place on the bay that has been around for quite some time apparently, but was destroyed by Katrina and re-built. Dinner – we shall see.


Brown Pelicans at Big Chill in Key Largo

Brown Pelicans


A Trip Interrupted…….

Ah, this was supposed to be a delayed post to talk about my trip to Ocean Springs, MS. I will do that, but at the moment, I am trying to curb my intense frustration with still being in Biloxi instead of on the way to Miami. I will not divulge the name of the airline until I have contacted them with my extreme displeasure. I do not know why the flight coming into Biloxi was delayed as long as it was, but that resulted in me not being able to make the connecting flight. Now, since they try and re-book using a central system instead of agents on the ground, the woman whom I will never meet informed me on the phone that they could not get me out tonight whether I left Biloxi or not. You can imagine my response. So, I will take a 6:00 a.m. flight tomorrow morning in order to make the connecting flight that will then hopefully get me to Miami around noon. Since I have a commitment at 3:00 p.m. in Homestead, that means I will literally get home in time to change clothes and leave for a 3-plus hour event.

I will stop the post at this point and let everyone know tomorrow how all of this works out.

For Parents Who Travel

Perhaps the fact that I’m traveling tomorrow so soon after Mother’s Day sparked the thought about my book, The Parents Guide to Business Travel, the first non-fiction book that I wrote. While I usually hyperlink the title, this time, I’m providing the link to the first chapter instead because there might be some passages that will sound very familiar.

In actuality, I think the spark came from a discussion with a friend who has a friend who is feeling that his relationship with his children is strained due to travel, but he thinks that it will eventually work out. And it might. However, if the plan is to pretend that there isn’t a problem and ignore it rather than honestly look at the situation, then the scales could tip in the other direction. The very reason that I wrote the book was based on many years of work-related separation, to include the six months of deployment during Desert Shield/Storm. The separations began when my son was only three and continued through high school. That is why I divided the book by age group – how one handles separation with an infant is not the same as with an adolescent. No matter the age though, there is a common theme and that is to convey to the child/children that you are not away because you value work more than family. The demand of travel in a job is a reality in certain professions and that is what you explain. How you explain that will depend on age, personality, and other factors that I discuss in the book. When managed correctly, this can be a positive influence because it provides insight to a child about adults and work. Children can understand priorities when those are presented in a user-friendly way. “Mommy/Daddy has work and sometimes it is at the office and sometimes it’s in a far away place. I will come home as soon as I can,” instead of, “Stop crying about me leaving. I have to because of work.” It may seem like a subtle difference, but it is a difference.

Enhanced technology can be a wonderful thing for helping “shrink the distance”, although that doesn’t always work schedule-wise if you travel in significantly separated time zones or are on a project that starts early in the morning and ends late at night. The key point to remember is that children can and do understand about why you travel if you have two-way communications and address their concerns seriously. (That doesn’t mean agreeing to emotional blackmail, but I cover that in the book, too). So, if it’s time to pack that bag again soon, interact with your child/children prior to the trip and if the response is, “That’s okay, it’s not a big deal,” that probably means you are handling the situation well.



A Salute to Local Animal Rescue…..

This Is The Dog Event Poster

This Is The Dog Event Poster

Many newcomers to the Homestead area are startled to learn that there is no animal shelter below South Miami. The reasons for that are a bit muddled, but two groups have stepped forward in what is sadly an on-going struggle against irresponsible pet owners. People who chose to have pets and refuse to have them spayed or neutered or who toss them aside to whatever fate want to pretend that this is not a serious issue. A grassroots group, This Is The Dog, ( works incredibly hard with volunteers and inadequate funding to do what they can to rescue and foster dogs and cats as they find homes for them. They also try to educate people as to the growing problem and work with other rescue groups to promote spaying, neutering, and adoption. A second group, the Gateway Animal Shelter ( is helping raise funds and promote awareness to actually build a shelter in Homestead.

There is a fundraiser tomorrow, Friday, 26 April from 6:00-10:00 p.m. on Krome Ave in Homestead. It’s a “Fashion Show” for dogs and more. Lots of fun, food trucks, and a great chance for animal lovers to help out.

Recognizing Abuse….

Serious content alert. No matter what we might say publically, most people are willing to believe that abuse doesn’t happen to people that we actually know and certainly not in “nice” families. The concept of human trafficking is the stuff of novels and movies. There is a program in town called Start Off Smart (SOS) at that was established to try and address the root causes of domestic violence and other abuse and raise awareness of the very real issue of human trafficking. Sadly, Florida is one of the leading states in this plague because so many people who want to immigrate are vulnerable to exploitation. I won’t go into graphic details, but local human trafficking often involves forcing individuals into labor situations that are in essence modern day slavery. These people are often in the country illegally and therefore, how can they ask for help? One of the most effective ways for ordinary citizens to assist is to understand that it does exist and if a situation seems suspicious or if someone comes to you for help, don’t dismiss it as “not possible”.

Domestic abuse is always a sensitive issue because aside from the fact that no one wants to accuse someone in error, there can be other reasons to not want to be involved. After all, how do you initiate a conversation with someone asking that question? Since I have personally never been a witness to such a thing (to the best of my knowledge), I don’t have a good answer. What is important though, I think, is to find out what resources are available in your area so that you know what to do in the event that you do become aware of a problem. Another aspect is that if you are looking to volunteer, helping with a shelter or other program might be something to consider.

I spent time this morning with an extended family of three sisters and a mother and then another woman, all of whom finally broke away from abusive relationships and/or marriages. There were multiple generations of abuse and more than anything, the women want their children to understand that this is not how things should be. As heartbreaking as their stories were, the fact that they were able to find a program to help them rise above what had happened was uplifting. No, abuse is not a pleasant subject, and perhaps you will never personally  encounter it. But I would urge you to check into your local resources as a just-in-case sort of thing. You never know who you might be able to help.

The Irony of Envy……

Serious content alert. I had a soulful conversation recently with a friend whose sister’s marriage is possibly unraveling. Like most people, she in turn, needed someone as a sounding board and I don’t mind. She doesn’t do blogs or Facebook, so there is little chance of her reading this post, not to mention that she lives quite distant from here. I don’t actually know her sister, but have heard the story for years of their financial successes – the impressive salaries, the executive home, the highend cars. No children because they wouldn’t fit in with their demanding jobs and lifestyle. (That’s a decision that a lot of people make.) Now, I don’t know if this is a correct perception or not, but my friend has always felt that the sister considered her to be lacking in ambition because she chose a different path. A professional, yet not in a job where you would ever get rich, a quite nice, although more modest home  based on the photos that I’ve seen, two children, a husband, also a professional, but no chance of making a big salary. They do okay, but no, definitely not in the same category as her sister. To the best of my knowledge there has not been overt envy, merely the understandable wistful comments at times.

As happens though, both of the couple’s companies downsized, the high-paying job no longer needed at all for the sister, a lower-paying position offered to the husband. I don’t know the details and wouldn’t want to, but apparently their income had gone mostly to fund the comfortable lifestyle and not into a savings plan to cover a sustained downturn. And for those who have never been through it, money troubles can wreak havoc on a marriage. The house, I gather, is pending or heading to foreclosure and there is a lot of anger spilling over into every conversation. Depression is apparently an issue as well and the worry in my friend’s voice can be clearly heard. I provided a shoulder and “uh,huh’d” a good bit. I will do that as often as my friend needs me to and I can only hope that everything eventually works out for everyone.

Something Extraordinary from Tragedy……

As I have mentioned in previous posts, there are so many charitable organizations and good causes that no one can support them all, and not even all those that you might wish to. However, when I run across a new one that I think some of the readers might be interested in, I do want to highlight them. Today, that happens to be an organization called KaBoom!, and no, it has nothing to do with weapons. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. I will quote directly from their web site:

“KaBOOM! is a national non-profit dedicated to saving play for America’s children.Our mission is to create great playspaces through the participation and leadership of communities. Ultimately, we envision a place to play within walking distance of every child in America.”

Please take a few minutes and go to their website to learn about this remarkable group. I suggest that you grab a tissue when you read their story, not so much because of the tragedy that inspired the idea, but also because of the heartwarming effect that their efforts are having. In a nutshell, KaBoom! has shown more than 14,000 times since 1995 that you can get a group together in a community and have a wonderful playground built in three days. That’s right – three days. They have a well-organized plan that is similar to the “Blitz Builds” of Habitat for Humanity and they have spread across the nation to help communities in their vision to bring playgrounds to neighborhoods that need them.

In two weeks time, Homestead will be added to the list of communities that have benefitted from a playground build. I am looking forward to seeing how it unfolds.

Some Thoughts on Hospice…..

Serious content alert. I know, I usually go for light-hearted or at least poignant, but a Tweet about a hospice volunteer caught my attention the other day. That brought to mind doing a post for those who might not be familiar with hospice. Perhaps you will never be in a position to need that service, but it is good to know about it. I was only vaguely familiar with hospice when I was with my former mother-in-law during the last months of her life. Like many people I spoke with later, I associated hospice with cancer patients. That is correct, but the actual criteria for hospice care is that an individual be declared by a physician to be terminal, and that can be any medical condition. Although the “terminal” aspect is considered to be six months or less, that is not a hard-and-fast definition, and some patients do actually recover. Despite the fact that my former mother-in-law was only under hospice care for a week, I learned a great deal and devoted a chapter of Your Room at the End: Thoughts About Aging We’d Rather Avoid to explaining more about this approach to end-of-life care.

The essentials though are that there is no hospice with a capital “H”, per se. Each Hospice group is organized independently, adhering to the same principals and abiding by the local state rules for medical care. Some hospices are associated with religious groups and others are not. Some offer a paid service of nurses and nurses assistants for on-site 24-hour care, but not all do. Three important things to know about hospice are that: (1) the individual must have made the decision to cease medical solutions other than for pain management and comfort. In other words, if an individual continues to take treatment or medication that is intended to battle a disease/condition, the individual is not eligible for hospice. I know, it runs contrary to what we usually do and that is why the decision to enter hospice can be so difficult – sometimes more so for the loved ones that for the individual. (2) An individual can still be in a hospital or other care facility because there may not be a suitable “home” to go to, or the individual might require something like artificial feeding. The artifical feeding is for comfort, not to combat the underlying disease/condition. In this case,  the hospice “team” takes over certain functions while the hospital/facilty staff continues with others. (3) Entering hospice care does not mean someone is “giving up”. What it means is that an individual acknowledges that he/she is in a terminal state and no longer wishes to undergo invasive procedures and may prefer to be at home for their final months, weeks, or days. It is a time for family and friends to make their farewells.

This synopsis about hospice is greatly simplified and if you have aging parents, other relatives, or friends, I urge you to read more about hopsice. No, it isn’t a pleasant subject, yet I will tell you from experience that it can a wonderful source of support at what will be a very emotional time.

Disappearing Days….

That is how it feels sometimes, isn’t it, when you jam a day completely full? So many people lead such hectic lives that you can look around and think, “My Lord, where did the day go?” Well, there are many ways to phrase that question of course, but I do try to keep the blog PG-13 rated. In my case, the past three days have fallen into that category, but it was actually a domino effect. Events scheduled for yesterday caused me to do extra work Sunday and Monday in preparation and then unexpected actions from yesterday spilled over into today. I may, or may not, be able to get back on track by the time I have to pop out for a networking event.

I am however, closing in on getting all the tax information gathered which unfortuantely is only step one, albeit a major step. For all you freelancers out there, perhaps you are more diligent than I at recording things. Actually, I am better than I ued to be, although there is still ample room for improvement. No, we don’t do our taxes – haven’t for years and while I do have great respect for tax prep software, you can reach a point with extra complicating factors as we did, and you decide it’s worth paying someone else to deal with it. That brings to mind a friend who was getting his degree in accounting. I aked what he was planning to do after graduating and he said, “Go to work for the IRS.” I was suprised, but his explanation made sense. Working for a few years in the IRS tends to increase one’s marketability in the private sector. Okay, that I can understand.

So, folks out there – where are you in the process of getting your taxes ready?