Disney Trip, Day 5…..

Okay, yesterday was multiple adventures as we went to Animal Kingdom, then to the fancy Chefs de France at Epcot for dinner. We only did one of the major items at the Park – the Safari – as the others had such incredibly long lines. The Safari was excellent though in riding slowly through different sections and except for one, we did see the expected animals. At the very beginning of the park there was a kids booklet with different “badges” to get while in the park and the rangers were great interacting with the kids. There was the Gorillas Mist Trail as a walking piece in addition to the ride. After a quick fast food lunch, there was a great “The Boneyard” set up with different activities. “Discoveries”, stairs within “scaffolding”, cargo net bridges, and slides were all involved. Very hot again, so by 2:00ish, it was time to head back. I thought a nap might be in order, however, the desire for pool time won out.

There are actually two fireworks displays each night. The biggest is the Magic Kingdom, but Epcot has one, too. We didn’t say anything to granddaughter as we weren’t sure how that would work out. Daughter-in-law booked the French restaurant because it was close to the spot. With our timing though it was going to be tricky. She was on the last few bites of her ratatouille with quinoa when they started so she took granddaughter out as Hubby finished his steak au poivre and swapped places outside. Son and I stayed inside finishing my steak au poivre and his beef bourguignon. Everyone was back in for dessert. My indulgence for the trip was chocolate tart with vanilla ice cream. Hubby had creme brulee, son assorted sorbet and a madelain, daughter-in-law a lovely citrus cake with a raspberry ganache. Vanilla ice cream for granddaughter although of course it was special ice cream. The place was lovely and our waitress was utterly French with a charming accent.

On to Magic Kingdom today.


One thought on “Disney Trip, Day 5…..

  1. Oh, my goodness! I just had breakfast and now, reading about the French cuisine, I’m starving!
    Have a wonderful day..♥

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