Smoking Hot….

Even if you’re not a NASCAR fan, this post might be of interest. A brief explanation for those who aren’t familiar with NASCAR. Like any sport, fans have “their” drivers or drivers and ours is Tony Stewart. Although NASCAR has teams, unlike other sports, each driver must compete as hard as possible to win as an individual. Most NASCAR teams have 3-4 cars and there is an Owner’s Trophy as well as the individual cup, so an owner of one team might actually win the national owner award even though the individual driver who is the National Champion at the final race (held here in Homestead) might be from a different team. Okay, in the case of Tony Stewart, he is a driver-owner. At the end of the 2008 season, he left the Joe Gibbs Racing Team and merged to create Stewart-Haas Racing; originally with three cars, then they added a fourth. Tony won Rookie of the Year in 1999 and has accomplished a great many things in the world of racing. He’s won the National Championship three times, but then a series of setbacks occurred.

There was a terrible crash (not during a NASCAR race) that resulted in a broken leg and kept him out of an entire season. Then there was the tragic incident (also not during a NASCAR race) where Tony hit and killed a driver although despite a flurry of accusations, he was not at fault. It did, however, deeply affect him. At the end of last season, he announced he would be retiring as a driver after the 2016 Championship race. At age 45, that would give him 17 years in NASCAR. There was another injury, however, that kept him from the early part  of this season and fans as well as racing experts were concerned they might not see Tony (known as “Smoke”) attain any of his former glory. Last week, he ran very well the entire race for the first time in a long time, and yesterday was the day we had been waiting for. It was the Tony who had rightfully earned his reputation as one of the best drivers. He took the lead fairly late in the race, was holding off the other cars, yet on the last lap, it appeared he would come in second instead. In the kind of excitement that thrills fans, he maneuvered around though and saved the win. Most of the other drivers made a point to congratulate him as soon as possible. We’ll see what the rest of the season brings, but for the moment, he and we can enjoy the victory.

Salute to Summer Solstice……

In my Twitter account, I have a number of followers and individuals I follow who travel and others who make their living as travelers/travel writers. It’s hardly a surprise one of them posted a lovely shot of Stonehenge with the sun for Summer Solstice. That’s one of the items on our travel list. Stonehenge, not necessarily during Solstice. By the way, there’s a similar area of the Carnac Stones in the Brittany region of France and we’ll probably combine that trip someday. As I’ve posted in the past, for the time being, other than family-related and business trips, our vacations (fewer than we’d hoped due to several factors) are mostly devoted to diving. That will be the case for probably another decade, then we’ll work off the to-do list for places such as Stonehenge. Of course, I have promised Hubby the Whiskey Trail in Scotland as a priority and that does get a pretty high priority.

Even though I traveled the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg) during my first tour to Germany, we didn’t make it up there when we were both assigned to Germany. Neither of us have been to Spain, Portugal, or Greece though and I definitely want to do Prague and quite possibly Budapest. Those two could well fall into the river cruise option which will definitely come after dive cruises. The issue of course is distance of travel and even though we’ve done the 3-4 day excursions to Paris in the past for Valentine’s Day, the 8-9 hour flights are becoming more tiring. I think with the long trips in the future, we’ll plan the two-week versions. And with that kind of time, we’d really hate to pass on diving, which is why returns to Europe will probably be delayed. As for Asia – those are truly long trips, but there is a new diving charter in Thailand. We’re still debating about if we want to include it in the mix.

Anyway, having now drifted from the original topic – Happy Summer to all!

“Science the ___Out of It”……

One of my all-time favorite movies is Apollo 13 and I have used it before as an example of the snobbery of the Oscars when director Ron Howard wasn’t even nominated as Best Director. That, however, is not the point of this post. We recently watched The Martian and I consider it to be right up there along with Apollo 13 especially since there is a scene about halfway through the movie which takes a line directly from the predecessor. (No, it isn’t “Houston, we have a problem.”) Anyway, having seen Gravity and Interstellar (both entertaining), what sets this one apart is the attention to the science. (This is an advantage of having a hubby who actually understands this stuff.)

Anyway, if you haven’t seen the movie, an astronaut is stranded by his team on Mars due to an error and one of the intriguing aspects are the multiple Public Relations issues when the error is realized and courses of action are subsequently considered. At one stage the stranded astronaut, played by Matt Damon, is faced with at first a seemingly impossible task in order to survive. In recording the problems and trying to think through a solution, he uses the term, “I’m going to have to science the shit out of this.” As the movie progresses, this is often the case, and virtually all of what is “worked out” is feasible rather than using what the Myth Busters refer to as “Hollywood physics”. Of course there are intensely dramatic moments and while a particular problem solved by an offer of international assistance might be a tad far-fetched considering current politics, it is a situation where what’s right might override politics. It does happen sometimes in the real world. This is another of those movies though where you do have to pay attention because there are some complexities.

History Can’t “Get It Wrong”…..

Musing content alert. I make it a point to try and stay away from politics. The intent of this post is to focus on a subject in what I intend as a relatively objective view and I hope it’s taken that way. In general, we in this country have a limited genuine appreciation for history in that we take what’s going on today and often don’t reach back into history for appropriate comparisons. When I say “back”, I mean sometimes centuries back. (I agree, in some cases we only need to go back a few decades to say, hmm, that didn’t work then, don’t think it will this time either. Conversely, hmm, that might have worked if we’d give it a bit more time.) A case in point. “Politics are nastier today than ever before.” I fully agree our politics are nasty and we should all work to be less polarizing and try to bring a reasonable degree of civility to the process. However, name-calling and backroom deals are not new – the language of old simply seems mild now and the capability to spread information at the touch of a button did not exist. Anyway, I am drifting off-course, so let me correct.

I love there is a history channel and lots of history programs. History can be dull when presented incorrectly and all the “re-enactment” helps make it more interesting, plus I can only imagine what a boost it’s been to struggling actors. The term though, “We’re going to tell you what history got wrong”, always causes me to roll my eyes. History is history. Granted, “History is written by the victors” (actual origin of quote unknown) and therefore the phrase, “What you’ve been taught is wrong” certainly can be applicable. Previously undiscovered documentation is brought to light all the time and the amazing world of forensics can support or refute different historical aspects both recorded and taught. But whatever happened is what happened. Mistakes can easily be made in the telling if an individual recording an event had a limited view of that event and indeed, events recorded by someone with a specific agenda were/are commonplace. It’s logical that what we’ve been taught about an event, a person, a time period might be incorrect based on new information available, but that’s different from the idea that history itself is wrong. I’m all for correcting history providing we don’t cross the line into revisionism, but I’ll save that for another post.

Fish Dish Variation….

I’m not stuck on doing food posts lately. It’s merely that many of us get into routines and sometimes forget to go back to recipes we enjoy and set aside for long periods. This is such a recipe and if I recall correctly, it’s a variation on one of Emeril’s, although don’t hold me to it. It’s Ham Wrapped Fish (If you don’t do pork, you can substitute 2-4 turkey bacon slices). This is a three-step cooking process of 4 minutes stovetop, then 4-5 minutes in a 400 degree oven, then another 1-2 minutes stovetop for the sauce. You need an oven-proof skillet.

Ingredients: 2 firm white fish fillets (halibut, mahi, or haddock are especially nice); 2-4 slices ham – enough to completely wrap the fillets; stone ground or some other similar mustard; 1/3 cup white wine (or 1/4 cup orange juice and 1 tbsp. butter).

Preheat oven to 400. Lay ham slice on cutting board, place fillet in the center; season with pepper, spread thin coat of mustard to cover the fish. Flip fillet, pepper and use mustard on other side, then wrap ham and secure with toothpicks. If the ham slice isn’t large enough to completely cover the fish, add an extra slice and tuck the edges so it makes a “packet”. If using turkey bacon slices, overlap them a little so there aren’t exposed parts of the fish.  I’ve found that I can usually angle the toothpicks in on the side to secure the wrap and that allows me to set the fillets in the skillet and turn them without everything falling apart. Heat the skillet to medium, coat the bottom with olive oil (1-2 tbsp) and bring to temperature (approximately one minute). Cook the fillets for two minutes on each side. Transfer the skillet to the oven for approximately four minutes. Place the fish on a plate and make a quick pan sauce over medium heat using the 1/3 cup white wine or the orange juice and butter. Be certain to scrape and stir the bits of ham or bacon into the sauce. This step takes 1-2 minutes. Pour over the fillets and serve. The mustard and ham are both likely to be a bit salty which is why I don’t salt the fillets before wrapping them.

Follow-up About Tofu…..

Okay, I have taken the first step with silken tofu and successfully made a fairly low-carb smoothie and used it as a thickening agent for a sausage & turkey soup. I realize if the point of tofu is to go in a vegetarian direction, then I’m off the mark. For me, however, the idea is what are supposed to be health benefits as I continue to try and lower my carb intake. I still want to try that pine nut creamy sauce and haven’t done that yet. The smoothie piece did require me to cut way back on the fruit since that’s packed with carbs. By substituting the very low calorie cranberry juice for regular juice and using a small amount of frozen berries, it doesn’t provide a full serving of fruit, but is refreshing.

The turkey and sausage soup is one I put together several weeks ago with a nice flavor, but not much body. The issue with soups is all the good stuff – potatoes, rice, corn, etc., is high in carbs. Using four ounces of silken tofu, seasonings, and one-third cup of chicken broth was just about right to add to the soup which is meat heavy with some onions, celery, and sweet peppers. I suppose it’s really more like a chili than a “soup”. If you don’t want to use pork, there is a bulk turkey sausage to substitute. I do enjoy cooking with sauces and there will be more experimenting.

Not Letting Too Much Time Pass…..

Serious content alert. No, I’m not feeling morbid, but with my recent trips focused on aging parents and three friends/acquaintances losing a parent within the past month, it brings reflection. There is an item that comes around periodically on Facebook to the effect of rather than spending money to attend my funeral, reach out to me while I’m still alive. (It’s a fairly long piece and I couldn’t find it on a quick internet search.) For most of us, not showing up to a funeral where we are “expected” causes a feeling of guilt, and in reality, if there is someone who can use you in particular for support, you should go if at all possible. On the other hand, going to visit the older (which is the topic of this post) relative/friend in their waning years is likely to be better for that individual. What to talk about can be the most awkward aspect and if it’s possible, getting the person to reminisce is often the best solution. Let him or her pick the timeframe they want to linger in and it doesn’t matter how often you’ve heard the same story before. And if it should be that the individual wants to express thoughts about their own mortality, don’t dismiss it with something like, “Oh, you don’t want to talk about that – you’re going to live to be 100.” Of course it’s not a comfortable subject and you certainly don’t need to be the one to bring the topic up, but be willing to listen if the conversation goes there.

In other situations, visiting is not financially possible, and telephoning might not work either if someone is losing their hearing or has dementia/memory loss. Cards and letters though – except for severe cases of dementia, they can make a difference. In this day of so much electronic communication, it’s easy to dismiss something as “old-fashioned” as a letter. And if you don’t feel comfortable with saying a lot, a card will be better. There is such a wealth of choices out there, whether you want beautiful or something cute. It doesn’t take long and you might be surprised at what a difference it makes.


Just a Glimpse….

2015 was not a good year for me to get out and dive with the irony being the main reason I couldn’t go was being wrapped up in working on Mystery of the Last Olympian which is all about diving. ( Anyway, I wanted to do better in 2016 and while the January trip was just snorkeling, I did make it in March and was surprisingly able to go on Memorial Day. There were all sorts of things that could have made that not work out, yet it did and the conditions were terrific. Plus, about one-third of folks on the boat were veterans; two of us being female. In another coincidence, we went to the same two dive sites as in March; the wreck of the Benwood and Sandy Bottom Cave (part of French Reef). Those are popular and common sites so that part isn’t too unusual. However, last time out we glimpsed dolphins and also did this time. Even a quick look is fun, but there are times when they will come and “play” in the wake of a boat which is always a special treat.

We didn’t see anything big on either dive – the reef shark at Sandy Bottom present when we moored took off before most of us saw it. That’s okay by me, but others were disappointed. There were plenty of fish though with nice schools at each location and I got to see a porcupine puffer for the first time in ages. I love them and unfortunately, this one tucked back underneath a section of the wreck so Hubby couldn’t get a good photo. There is, however, a spotted drum that has taken up residence and Hubby has been watching him (her?) grow from a tiny little juvenile. He also “righted” a conch that had been tipped up on its side; quite possibly by a potential predator that didn’t follow through (I hope not by a careless diver). While it is interesting to see the conch itself, being partially exposed is not their usual posture. We did see a couple of small yellow rays that are no bigger than a dessert plate. They have lovely coloration and will hang around if you don’t frighten them away. (The photo below is of another juvenile spotted drum, not the one currently on the Benwood)

Juvenile Spotted Drum

Juvenile Spotted Drum


A Weekend of Experimenting (Kind Of)….

It is sort of experimenting with food this weekend. We don’t usually mess with ribs – not when there are places around that do them well. I’m not even certain what caused me to say, “Hey, want to give it a try?”. I did, however, ask the question and at the moment, the slab is in the fridge with a dry rub mix and I need to check some cooking time information for our particular set-up. Obviously, we aren’t going for the 12+ hours of smoking. Anyway, when I was at the store yesterday to look for fish, I was startled to see rock fish from Canada. We haven’t had rock fish in ages. That’s a favorite in the Maryland area and you just don’t see it often here. I pulled out my Legal Seafoods cookbook (Yes, the restaurant chain) and proceeded to sauté with a combination of lemon-infused olive oil and peanut oil to allow for a higher cooking point. A quick lemon butter sauce made for a nice topping and there were only a few small bones to deal with. I had warned Hubby so he was on the lookout. Oh, since I am trying to cut back on carbs, I found almond flour several weeks ago, thinking when we do want to bread something, that could be a good solution. In reality, the package talks about it as an excellent substitute for baking or for making something like a sauce. It worked okay for sauté in this case because fish cooks very quickly. Otherwise the coating would have probably burned. (What I don’t  know is if it will work with a quick crisping, then finishing in the over like you do with chicken parm. Hmm, might try that.)

Okay, back to my other unexpected find of sirloin tri-tip. This is a cut more common to the West Coast. We first heard of it while watching one of the California-based chef/restaurant owners on a show about Napa cooking and wine pairing. Then tri-tip began to show up occasionally on the TV series “Pit Masters” as a special challenge to mostly East Coast BBQ guys who weren’t familiar with how to handle it. One of my tasks today is find the proper cooking technique for the grill, although we’re not planning that until tomorrow. I’ll keep everyone posted as to how it goes.



Technology Musings and Chuckles…..

I suppose the fact I have a blog speaks to my own connectivity to technology without making any claim as to great proficiency. My smartphone is an example. I won’t say I have fewer apps downloaded than anyone else, but I certainly don’t have a huge number. And I am having fits getting photos for my blog at the moment because for some reason, the folders I set up on my laptop aren’t showing up in the correct place. That’s something I really will try to correct in the next few days. Anyway, many of us have become so dependent on connectivity that we now make reliable internet (preferably wireless) as a requirement for travel. That also speaks a bit to my being less than skilled as I don’t own a “hotspot” gadget or quite know how to go about doing that.

The last night of my trip, the wireless in the hotel (where I’ve stayed before) wouldn’t connect and I was too tired to call the helpline to figure it out. I was leaving early the next morning and I knew there was free wireless at the airport. Except that wasn’t very stable either and I only managed to get off a couple of emails before I decided everything else could wait. Anyway, the amusing part was when I was visiting my aunt and cousins who live about 2 hours south of my dad. It turns out that my aunt does has wireless although that came about when she had the computer guy in to fix her computer – which she does use for certain things. She didn’t particularly understand what he was talking about with recommending wireless, but trusted his opinion. Her youngest daughter related how none of them realized she’d gotten it until one day when she noticed and asked about it. My aunt explained what had happened and my cousin said within minutes, “Grandmother has wireless,” echoed among the youngsters present and electronic devices appeared with grins in place. My aunt went on to say she doesn’t really understand how any of it works, but she has plenty of in-family tech support.