About to Take The Big Step……

Okay, we are trying to lock in the meeting with the contractor and the cabinet guy to work out final design and timeline for the big remodel of mainly the kitchen, although the front room will be impacted as well, and the flooring of course is both rooms, plus the stairs and loft/landing that leads to the upstairs bedrooms.

Since we can’t actually increase the square footage of the house due to the lot size, we are trying to maximize the space in the kitchen. We aren’t going to change the basic footprint much because any time you start moving electrical and plumbing, you greatly add to the cost and the general layout is not bad. There will be essentially only two structural changes and I’ll post about them later. The kitchen will be gutted though to make the changes and bring in new appliances.

In the model of home that we have, some people use the bay area for a small table and the open area for a small den. When we moved in, we opted to put a small island in the bay area and the dining table in the open space. That was mostly because we had an extra “den set” and we put that in the front room to have two separate seating areas. We have now given away the extra den set and that spot will become the place for the dining table and the corner hutch. We will also move the sideboards to underneath the large window. I’m not quite ready yet to discuss the plans for what will be the open area of the kitchen. I really have to see how the new island that will replace the current peninsula works out before we finalize that. Scale of furniture to the room is important to me. While we will use stock cabinetry as much as possible, we are going to have a few custom pieces put in so that we can utilize the space as much as possible. The cabinet guy will do three 14-inch deep cabinets for the bay area. Fourteen inches isn’t very deep, but that should hold things like odd-sized platters and trays that we use. Those are always tough to store and get stacked up which makes them bothersome to get to. Well, they’ll still be sort of stacked up, but on their sides instead of flat.

The Person You Used To Be……

Serious content alert, againNo, it’s not that I am in any sort of “funk”, merely a case of timing with an individual who was going through some issues that bring certain things to mind. The movie, “The Legend of Bagger Vance” is a period piece starring Will Smith, Matt Damon, Charlize Theron, and several great supporting cast members. The movie takes place in Depression-era Savannah and revolves around a special golf match that is engineered to bring joy and an economic boost to the people of Savannah. Will Smith plays the role of Bagger Vance, a mysterious man that appears and offers to caddy for Captain Junuh, a WWI veteran who has withdrawn due to the stress he endured during the war. Despite his doubts, he has been coaxed to play in the tournament by Adele, the woman who loved him and has never understood why he turned his back on everyone. The essence of the movie is whether or not Junuh can regain his life while also winning the tournament as the pride of Savannah.

There are some truly funny scenes as well as some poignant ones and in a moment when Bagger allows Junuh to vent his intense frustration, he then calmly explains that part of the problem is that Junuh was expecting somehow for his former self to emerge whole. “You aren’t that person anymore,” he says (more or less), “and you ain’t ever going to be again.” There are times in our lives when we experience something that is indeed life altering, something so profound that it changes us to a significant degree. For this individual that I know, it was dismissal from a job and the subsequent inability to find a job in the same field. Not surprisingly, that was emotionally traumatic and it has taken months for the individual to understand that. It is not an easy idea to come to grips with and as I provided as much of a shoulder as I could, that scene from the movie played in my head. I did not use the quotation exactly, although I tried to convey the concept of perhaps looking at a new direction for one’s life. In seeing the individual over the holidays, things seem to be better even though we didn’t have the opportunity to speak in much detail. There were hugs, kisses, and murmurs thanking me for the support I had provided and I hope that means the most difficult times have passed.

You’re Never Quite Prepared…..

Serious Content Alert! As I have written in previous posts, I feel strongly that almost every Baby Boomer needs a copy of Your Room at the End: Thoughts About Aging We’d Rather Avoid for three reasons – to face our parents or other loved one’s aging, to face our own aging, and to think of those things that we must discuss with our adult children or younger individuals who are likely to be a part of our aging when the time comes that we can no longer live as independently as we would like to. No matter how rationally we try to approach this subject, if we are being truly honest with ourselves, we just don’t see that we’re going to become that infirmed old person who can’t manage. Somehow, someway, that isn’t going to happen to us and we are almost as reluctant to realize it is happening to our parent/parents. It usually manifests in a medical emergency first, although it might be an unsettling memory lapse or bout of extreme confusion. That call from the neighbor, the emergency room, or perhaps the individual sets your heart to racing and your brain into high gear. Once the immediate crisis is passed, you may still be able to hope that “all will return to normal” until the doctor gives you the real news. “Not yet,” is what most of us think, “it isn’t time yet for this. I/we haven’t made the arrangements that we need to.”

Now, there are lots of people who have done some preparation – have someone lined up for when they can no longer drive, have looked into alternate living options, or in-home care that might be available and affordable; all actions that can then be set into motion fairly quickly. Those are good things to do. What you probably aren’t prepared for is the emotional assault and the extraordinary amount of your time that is about to be consumed for what could be months or years. Even if there is cheerful agreement of moving into an independent or assisted living facility or having in-home care, someone will have to serve as an advocate for an incredible number of things and there are likely to be many, many trips to emergency rooms. The reason for that is because once someone enters into as assisted living category, the body and perhaps mind are already experiencing difficulties and those problems will increase. Also, the individuals charged with caring will almost always err on the side of caution, not wanting to be accused of negligence if a borderline situation worsens. The other time-consuming reality is that it is a major life adjustment and that usually causes at least some degree of emotional turmoil for everyone. There may well be a need for constant reassurance or a repetitive longing for the independence that has been lost. Unless you are in a special set of circumstances, these new tasks will be layered on top of obligations that you already have and finding a way to juggle them is not easy. It is important to understand that among the arrangements to be made is to have a “venting outlet” of some sort for everyone who is coping with this new stage of life. Frustration will set in and having the means to deal with it is incredibly important.


Best Laid Plans……

Ah, the things that we can’t plan for. First, the flu bug has absolutely no sense of holidays and wings its nasty way about with exactly zero regard for what havoc it wreaks. However, it can be a mild case as opposed to severe and I suppose one can be grateful for that. I knew full well that my husband was coming down with whatever everyone else at the dive shop had and he chose to believe otherwise. By Sunday evening, it was difficult to deny how he really felt and by Monday when he was faced with a 10-hour drive to Georgia early the next morning, he admitted defeat. At that point, aside from the fact that he was dragging badly, we didn’t know if I would catch it and if I did, then I would be the contagious one in the midst of elderly mother, two infants, and a very pregnant second cousin. Not the sort of holiday cheer that one wishes to spread.

Okay, scratch the trip to Georgia and a neighbor who heard immediately offered for us to come to their house. A couple they had planned on wasn’t able to and she was already intending to cook for six. The expectation was that we would either go there or plates would be delivered to us. Fine, that’s a good back-up plan. Except, with a twelve-pound turkey on hand, her husband is not feeling well (not the flu) and there is no way for them to have a house full of company. Alright, this is manageable. The other couple going to her house actually lives closer to us and often dines with us. So, she will have a small meal with her husband, then bring turkey, a wonderful cranberry chutney that she prepared yesterday and perhaps potatoes to our place in the late afternoon. I dashed to the store to get green bean casserole, frozen apple pie, Stove Top stuffing, and a jar of gravy – no chastisement will be accepted at this point for taking shortcuts. I will make the lovely artichoke and cheese spread from scratch since I had offered to do that anyway. None of that even addresses the other set of good deeds that I will be doing for much of Friday, but that is most assuredly a different subject. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

When to Quit…..

Thoughtful content alert. Volunteering to do good is a wonderful thing – something that I do and have often encouraged others to engage in, especially Baby Boomers who may finally be at the stage where there is time to spend in volunteer activities. In truth, there are almost always more volunteer opportunities than volunteers and choosing where to put one’s time can be tricky. So, you pick something that you feel strongly about, whether it’s cultural in nature, philanthropic, community support, or whatever. And then, well, then you can occasionally run headlong into an unexpected situation that may cause you to re-think the whole thing. The reality is that people volunteer for lots of reasons, and in some cases, those reasons are firmly attached to personal agendas that may little, if anything, to do with the good of whatever organization/group/effort you’re volunteering with. It’s human nature and that, folks, ain’t likely to change.

It may be mild enough that you can shrug it off as an irritant, a roll-your-eyes sort of response that a glass of wine (or whatever) can sooth over. At other times though, the involved party or parties may dig into a position that begins to cause you genuine stress. There are a variety of things to try if faced with this – perhaps it is all a difference of perspectives that can be resolved with a heart-to-heart conversation. Perhaps there is some background that you are unaware of that can shed light on the subject to the degree that it can revert to being an irritant rather than a stressor. If not, then it could be time to walk away. Any relationship can become dysfunctional to the point of no longer being worth the emotional investment and that includes volunteering. There are always canned excuses one can use to depart – yes, I’m talking maybe taking a dip into the “white lie” barrel, but in these cases, candor isn’t likely to be productive. If you need to walk away, don’t do it abruptly if you can avoid it, though. Give some notice, and then take a few weeks off from volunteering as you decide on another worthy project. There are plenty and you’ll find a good fit.


Never An Easy Decision……..

Serious content alert. As I have mentioned in previous posts, writing Your Room at the End: Thoughts About Aging We’d Rather Avoid was a difficult task for me. I approach all my book projects with enthusiasm, relishing the research for the non-fiction, seeking ways to make the material entertaining as well as interesting from a factual perspective. In some cases, I have to change passages as I discover that my information was either outdated or incorrect, and I have no problem with that. With Your Room, however, the emotional intensity never waivered, even as I moved into Part II which deals with more pleasant topics than does Part I.

This post is specifically about the decision to bring hospice into a situation and I took special care to meet more than once with hospice personnel because I wanted to make sure that I presented that portion of the book in as candid, yet gentle a way as I could. There are many excellent sites to visit to get detailed information about hospice, but perhaps the two most important things to understand is that there is no Hospice with a capital “H”. Hospice is a philosophy and many of their services are covered under Medicare, but hospice organizations are not arranged identically and there are variations in how they operate. This is why it is very important to find out what organizations are in the area where the individual entering hospice is located. Hospice usually has arrangements with care facilities in the event that an individual does not wish to, or cannot be, in a home setting.

The essence of hospice is that when an individual decides he or she wants no more medical intervention – no more treatments, no more medication except for pain relief, no more trips to emergency rooms, they will be made as comfortable as possible until such time as the illness or injury takes the final toll. (And yes, one can enter hospice and then change one’s mind.) Even though hospice is most often associated with cancer, any condition deemed terminal within an estimated six months qualifies for hospice care. The main point to hospice is that the individual understands that death is probable in the near future and the preference is not to continue with medical solutions that will prolong life, but may decrease the quality of time remaining. This is never an easy decision and friends and family may have more difficulty with it than the individual making the choice. If you are coping with a relative or other loved one who is struggling with a terminal illness/injury, it might be a good idea to find out what the hospice situation is in your area.


Birthday Wishes and Finding “The One”…..

Brown Pelicans at Big Chill in Key Largo

Brown Pelicans at Big Chill in Key Largo

Hubby is on his way home from diving and we’ll go to his favorite sushi place tonight for dinner. No big birthday cake, but we’re not really into that. His early birthday present was the re-breather that I posted about previously, although there are some things going on at the Speedway that will be tempting to indulge in. (We didn’t happen to have his birthday lunch at Big Chill because of a timing issue, but the photo is a symbol of all those times when we’ve sat and enjoyed waterfront dining in a lot of different places.)

Okay, for those who read this and have not yet found “the one”, I don’t mean to cause you distress. For those who might have been through relationships that didn’t work (marriages or otherwise) before finding “the one”, you will agree that you don’t always get it right the first time. We’re human and make mistakes, hopefully learning from them, notwithstanding the guy who worked for me and had been through four divorces.

As I have mentioned before, falling in love is one thing, staying in love is something else. Marriage or a long term committed partnership probably won’t be a “constant honeymoon” and the fireworks might not metaphorically burst every single day. That doesn’t mean there aren’t frequent romantic times, merely that we live with ordinary tasks and snippy words can erupt when you really are tired of the clutter or he really wishes that you wouldn’t slam the cabinet doors shut rather than verbalize your displeasure. “The one”, is indeed worth waiting for and on this, my hubby’s birthday, I smile and give deep thanks for that event that brought us together.

When You Choose Truth Over Friendship…….

Serious content alert. A while back, I posted a Tweet that essentially asked the question of, “When does being candid cross the line into self-indulgent insensitivity?” Now, before I proceed, let me say that there is a very big difference between insensitivity and out-of-control political correctness. There are some people who will take offense at the drop of a hat and others who actively seek offense when none is intended. In other cases, phrases or expressions that were once considered okay fall out of general favor without everyone getting the memo. Are we all on the same sheet of music with this? The fact is that we can inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings and unless it is brought to our attention, we probably won’t realize it.

Sadly, we can also be in a situation where a friend sets upon a distressing path and is blinded to it for whatever reason. As a friend, you may well choose not to point this out, be supportive and hope that everything will be resolved without intervention. In some cases, the friend may ask for a level of candor that allows you to express your misgivings without being the one to initiate a painful discussion. In other cases, the situation may become such that you no longer feel that you can stay silent. In those instances, it becomes your choice because the odds are that in speaking out, the recipient will have a very different view, quite probably become angry, and perhaps break the friendship with you cast in the role of villain. Careful thought must go into a decision like this and once you express your view, there won’t be any taking it back. Are you certain of your own perception? Are you certain of your own motivation? Are you willing to have the friendship withdrawn and realize that your candor may well have zero impact on the situation? I hope that you don’t ever have to make a decision of this nature, yet in the realm of human relationships, you might face such a choice.

Pressing Matters and Book Fair……..

New logo for Charlie Hudson Writes

New logo for Charlie Hudson Writes

So much for posting right after returning from my trip. I was greatly delayed in getting home on Thursday, Friday was incredibly hectic, Saturday was the Book Fair, and yesterday was up-ended by a series of unexpected events combined with scheduled things. Let me dwell on the pleasant though with the Book Fair. Actually, in all the hub-bub of prep, I forgot to take my great banner. Oh well, next time.

Let me describe the scene for you for what we believed to be Homestead’s first formal book fair. The historic (not yet rebuilt) Seminole Theater is to the left of the downtown Losner Park as you face it, with an overhang over the sidewalk. The stage for the park is in the right corner and the historic Townhall Museum is across Krome Avenue behind you. The Kiwanis had their Just-One-Book give-away (a wonderful program they have been doing for more than a year) on the sidewalk at the Seminole Theater. There were ten 10×10 tents set up on the left side of the park – two rows of five tents – with mostly two authors per tent (had a few no-shows, but still, fifteen local authors). The band was on stage, the lecture series by some of the authors was in the Museum, and there was a writer’s workshop upstairs. The downtown restaurants were open, food trucks and other vendors were arrayed along Krome Avenue.

It was a very warm day with more sun than clouds and that was a bit uncomfortable for the tents that were placed catching the sun, although since the Fair was 4-8 p.m., the conditions were pleasant by 6:00. There was a wonderful mix of ages in the crowd and it seemed that a lot of people lingered. Estimated attendance was around 400, which is the usual for similar gatherings. The atmosphere was exactly what we had hoped for and notwithstanding the inevitable few glitches, the feedback was that, yes, this should be an annual event. Now that we have the foundation laid, it will be using “lessons learned”, so the next one will be even better.


Why Not Take Class at Age 73……

Continuing education and non-credit classes through a local community or regular college are some of those great programs for seniors. I attended an art exhibit yesterday at the wonderful ArtSouth we have here that featured a friend who has led an interesting life. (http://www.artsouthhomestead.org) There have been times of tragedy as well as extraordinary inspiration and she has always had an inclination to write – journals, short stories, poetry, but events occurred to also stir her interest in painting. I’ve posted about ArtSouth before, an enclave that provides a nurturing platform for artists in many mediums, to include a foundry. My friend began to volunteer at ArtSouth and was urged by some (sadly discouraged by a few) to take her first formal art class and when she did, it was a personal awakening that released the artist she is developing into.

Another friend is taking classes in Chinese (different college), intrigued by the complexity of the language. Community colleges often have very affordable classes in these categories precisely because they do want to make life-long learning available to people who finally have the time to pursue study that they had not able to do for one reason or the other. With the proliferation of community colleges, many places are served that had not been previously, and on-line classes are of course another option. If you’re a Baby Boomer, you may have already embraced this idea and if not, have you thought about it? What say you, readers?