About Charlie Hudson

Off with my combat boots and onto writing best describes Charlie my two careers. Born in Pine Bluff, Ark., and raised in Louisiana, I count myself as a military veteran, wife, mother, freelance writer, and author. What was intended to be a quick two years in the Army became a 22-year career instead, and somehow in the process, I discovered that I was an inadvertent pioneer by serving in several positions that had previously been held only by men. By the time I was in Desert Storm and later Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti, women in leadership assignments was more widely accepted. My love of writing never left me though whether it is a short article that highlights an animal rescue group, penning the stories of a female police detective in the Florida Keys, or presenting issues about aging that Baby Boomers need to address, or working on a corporate proposal. When my husband, Hugh, also retired from the Army, we relocated to South Florida where we can both enjoy the underwater world in dive sites all around Key Largo. We do break away though to still travel, and especially visit the Washington, D.C. area where son Dustin is a professional dancer and lives with his wife, Samantha.

Headed Home….

Am at airport lounge to relax a bit before my flight which is supposed to be on time. Another somewhat difficult morning for my sister, although not as bad as the other day. She is getting around well on the walker and allegedly PT will start in a day or two. The Occupational Therapy evaluator is due at noon to set that up. It still concerns me she was discharged a week ago and no therapy of any kind will begin for more than a week. She has been doing some of the exercises they did in the rehab facility and as I said, on the walker an increasing amount over the past few days. Here’s hoping there are no complications.

Now to get caught up on all sorts of tasks. The thing is we are going on the long trip in less than three weeks; the trip we booked back in February. This time frame was supposed to be my time to take care of multiple things before departure precisely so I would not be jammed getting ready. The best laid plans and all that…

Progress and Other

Marginal luck with PT in the sense of the evaluator came and was thorough. The OT evaluator did make an appointment for noon Monday. The woman who was supposed to come help give a shower Thursday never contacted us and when I called Friday, there was a surprised response. No, she didn’t contact us. Nor did she on Friday, but I didn’t call back as it doesn’t seem to do any good. The paid service woman will start Monday night at 10:00 to stay until 6:00 each morning. She will provide the shower which hopefully will help relax the muscles as well. Since they are a paid service, that might go more smoothly.

Moving around with the walker is better as is certain other things. We made a slight adjustment to allow for ease of dressing that seems to be working. My sister was also able to stand the entire time she was brushing her teeth for almost five minutes. This is a good thing.

Progress and Other……

In the on-going tussle, the promised aide to give my sister a shower did not show up yesterday as promised. Hopefully she will come today as will the promised PT. On the other hand, using the walker is becoming easier and I think we’ve worked out a way to position a chair in the master bath where she can sit to be able to brush her teeth.

I did use their wonderful pool the other day. It also has the soft chlorination system as we have which is a great feature. It is a huge pool with an actual deep end and a shall “sunshelf” which serves two purposes. At only a few inches deep, it is perfect for certain leg exercises and for simply lying down to have water under you and relax in the sun if you are that type. The two dogs also love it as they walk back and forth in it. The custom design of the pool was to combine fitness training with recreation.


More Delays….

In the manner anyone who has been through this will recognize, there is yet another delay in getting the home health support started for my sister. “The scheduler is out” is the same issue 24 hours after our first call. The promised wheelchair for yesterday was in fact delivered although it was 8:00 p.m. A nice young man who had two more stops programmed.

On the other hand, the supplemental private-pay care needed for a while responded almost immediately with a text (might have been email) verifying the conversation and had set an appointment to come this morning. A very pleasant young lady who is in fact recently moved to Houston. She speaks highly of the company and if she is typical of their staff, that is a positive indicator.

Family Afternoon…

First night at home for my sister went better than expected and they had already planned a “Glad You’re Home” lunch with the grandchildren. Although I have seen the photos of them growing up, I’d never actually met them. Grandniece is starting sophomore year at parents’ alma mater Baylor and her brother is about to be a senior in high school. They are quite fun and do look more like their dad than their mother. Their dad prepared quite the feast with a favorite for each of them plus a little. It was definitely a “mixed grill” kind of meal and not surprisingly, he prepared extra for them to have leftovers to take with them. Oh, grandniece is not only majoring in pre-med, she has spent her summer training to be an EMT. She’s close to completion although I’m not sure she’ll have time to finish certification before she has to return to college.

I did have time to go for my walk along the lake again and there was a different mix of people out.

Out of Rehab…..

The usual long time to get paperwork done to discharge my sister. Successful movement into car and then home into fancy recliner. It has the correct kind of back support for her. The assessment for home care won’t happen until tomorrow though instead of today which means actual care probably won’t be until Wednesday. The wheelchair that was supposed to be delivered today apparently will also be tomorrow. Fortunately, that is okay. There are a couple of new medications and those are being picked up now. There are some other things to work out and we’ll see how all that goes.



Another Day of Prep….

We are splitting time with my sister today. Her husband went in early and I am going in a while for an afternoon visit.

I had a chance this morning to go on one of the walking paths my sister told me about and I can really understand now why she loves this area. The path – actually trail – goes in different directions. The one I took was mostly by the small lake which also has part of the golf course on the other side. The houses along the lake are nicely landscaped as can be expected. The houses are across the paved path so don’t have direct access to the water, but a lovely view and about twenty steps from the back of the lots to the water. No swimming and no way to put a boat in, but there is catch and release fishing with numerous spots to comfortably fish from the bank. Only other joggers, walkers (to include dog walkers of course) and cyclists were out. The incredible amount of mature trees are a benefit except in the situation of the storms which as I mentioned recently wreaked havoc with massive tree falls and downed power lines for more than a week. There is still a lot to clear out and will probably take at least another week.


Genuinely When Life Interfers….

This extra long gap is due to a completely unexpected twist. As I was headed for the Louisiana trip, I had word my sister had fallen and broken her leg. This all occurred as Houston also was clipped by the hurricane and therefore phone services were impacted as well as lots of power outages. My sister managed to get through to my brother who called me. Then there was a gap until we learned she had been transferred to a rehab center. Which brings us to the fact that her being released from the center was going to be problematic due to a number of factors I won’t get into. Therefore, my sister really needed me to come and help out for a bit. The entire week has been muddled not being certain of when she would be discharged, etc., plus me trying to make arrangements for things to get done or put on hold and what have you.

Anyway, I am here and will go see her tomorrow to spend some time and provide my brother-in-law a bit of relief. She will be discharged Monday and that way I can be there to find out what assistance will be provided for how long and where the gaps are. Then comes finding out what actual resources are available here.

More to follow.

Long Lapse….

A stretch of days with ups and downs to impact my usual busy schedule. I have a situation with my sister that includes me spending at least a week, more likely twelve days in Houston to help with her post-rehab after surgery for a broken leg. That means scrambling to get a number of things either taken care of before I leave or figure a way to handle while gone.

On the “really, why now?”, front my high-speed printer went crazy and it wasn’t very old. Decided to swap from HP to Cannon and that’s all fine and good except after install, it isn’t working properly. No doubt some weird little thing that the Geeks can clear up once Hubby has a chance to get with them. I do have the other printer that can do for now.

The pool is finally finished and they cleared up the mess of the last two weeks. It definitely looks better and hopefully we won’t have to go through this again. My desire to have some sort of easier automated way to turn the hot tub on came at such a ridiculous price, I can’t justify it. Part of that is the lights we had replaced were far more expensive to replace than expected, but going with LED should also mean they last for a long time.

On the “up” side, Hubby’s presentation, “Photographing the Everglades”, on Friday went well despite the stupid mistake I made with getting a small projector. I completely misunderstood what this thing was and he was gracious about it. Now to figure out if there is anyone out there who can actually use this thing and maybe get another one. The issue is it can only be used in an almost completely darkened room and the images can’t be seen well from much of a distance. In other words, it’s great for a small conference room; not so much for anything else. It certainly is small and easy to carry.


And Now for Some Trees……

This does seem to be the summer of those annoying, but necessary expenses in maintaining a house. I already discussed – or think I did – the pool work we’re part-way through with. And as I have posted about previously, the back yard gets out of control and has to be seriously cleaned up every few years. This time though we are taking a slightly different approach. We had one of our traveler (fan) palms removed a while back. The more Hubby has looked at the remaining three and as troublesome as they are at times, he wants to go ahead and get rid of them. It’s a combination of new shoots constantly sprouting that have to be dealt with and the fronds that drop more often than the other palms. The only real downside will be the orchids that have grown well on them, but maybe we can find another spot. We might also decide to get some air plants instead and put them in baskets on the fence.

And our landscaping guy we’ve used for years did ask me about whatever the small tree is next to the generator. That was planted in the last “refresh” by the other landscaper we use for the big changes. Problem is the way it grows makes it difficult for the generator service people and the guy last time did mention it. According to our regular guy, apparently if he cuts is way back, when it re-grows, it will be straighter and not get in the way so much. It makes sense and then hopefully, it will be good from then on.