About Charlie Hudson

Off with my combat boots and onto writing best describes Charlie my two careers. Born in Pine Bluff, Ark., and raised in Louisiana, I count myself as a military veteran, wife, mother, freelance writer, and author. What was intended to be a quick two years in the Army became a 22-year career instead, and somehow in the process, I discovered that I was an inadvertent pioneer by serving in several positions that had previously been held only by men. By the time I was in Desert Storm and later Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti, women in leadership assignments was more widely accepted. My love of writing never left me though whether it is a short article that highlights an animal rescue group, penning the stories of a female police detective in the Florida Keys, or presenting issues about aging that Baby Boomers need to address, or working on a corporate proposal. When my husband, Hugh, also retired from the Army, we relocated to South Florida where we can both enjoy the underwater world in dive sites all around Key Largo. We do break away though to still travel, and especially visit the Washington, D.C. area where son Dustin is a professional dancer and lives with his wife, Samantha.

A Little Bit of Tricky Timing…..

Having the kids for an extra day this year is nice, although the prep time I would usually have to get ready has been a bit tricky due to other events and circumstances. Deadlines for the paper are of course a day earlier and trying to get final details for a piece can require a touch of creativity. In the case of this week’s story, it’s a student I’ve been covering for a few years who does these incredible toy distributions. I’ll take a couple of things from last year’s story to weave in as needed.

Except for poinsettias, decorations are in place. Hubby can pick those up today. I don’t have the final grocery list for the kids coming, so I will get what I do know to take us through the first couple of days, then take one or more of them to the store to get the rest on Sunday. I can also hold off getting the coquito from Chefs on the Run because one of the Horizon Divers staff did send some home with Hubby yesterday. For those not familiar with it, coquito is the Puerto Rico holiday drink instead of eggnog. Similar, yet lighter and of course made with rum. It’s another one of those drinks that goes down very smoothly and should be sipped slowly.

We will be taking part of Christmas dinner to the friend who is hosting and I have almost everything I need. As another of the holiday habits we picked up in Puerto Rico, we will have seafood tonight. Instead of the full blown “seven fishes” meal which really is too much for only two of us, we’re going with only lobster bisque and salmon. I’ll get those on the way home this afternoon. The actual meal can be done in two ways, which is serve multiple courses to get to seven different types of seafood or make a seafood stew – a popular approach – containing seven types. Even in using a small amount of each in a stew makes a batch and this is not a dish that freezes well.

Okay, Hubby is finally getting two days off even though he does have to start again on the 26th. Merry Christmas to all.



Two Series Finales……

Well, these are TV series, but falls into the same general category. For those who watch family dramas, Blue Bloods and Yellowstone could not be more different in practically every way. Both, coincidentally ended their series in the same week. Blue Bloods on a Friday and Yellowstone on the Sunday.

In keeping with their respective differences, the endings were such that new seasons could be written if another network picks up Blue Bloods which ran thirteen seasons. The case wants that and I know millions of fans do as well

As part of the significant difference in Yellowstone with violence or tragic death, sometimes multiple, in each almost every episode, there could be short-run spin-off series. Indeed, the two short-run series, 1883 and 1923, were developed with powerful casts to serve as “origin of Yellowstone” stories. The creator and writer, Taylor Sheridan already has another series, Landman,  started which is at the time available through streaming, and we don’t get that service. They did show the first two episodes on the regular Paramount channel.  While it deals with a major oil corporation in Texas, the themes and types of characters are similar to Yellowstone.

Back to Blue Bloods though. Many of us were surprised CBS kept it going as the network tends to be anti-conservative and the Regan family in Blue Bloods depicts strong family relationships – not without periodic differences to be resolved – and adherence to conservative principles. The stellar cast and superb writing deserve at least another few seasons under a new network. We’ll see what happens.

Made in America……

A while back, I saw a post somewhere asking why Amazon couldn’t have a clear way to direct people to products made in America. In light of all the AI ability. it would seem to be something they could do. If so, then other major retailers might soon follow. Although I try to buy made in America, there are times when I have to go through multiple pages to find the country of origin and I just don’t take the time to do so. I have gotten better about adding that as a word when I do an on-line search before going to Amazon – which of course is likely to have the item, but not made in America.

The other point is like with shopping small/local, made in America will probably be a little more expensive. Since we don’t have a tight budget, I don’t mind paying some extra. Once I identify a source – such as My Pillow – I can then wait for sales. Of course that also means I get multiple emails a week about all kinds of things I don’t need or am not ready to buy. Quality is the other issue in that items made in many countries – China being only one example – are generally not the best quality. Last month when I was shopping for some things special for the holidays, the fact is I was pressed for time and after a few stops to a) find what I wanted, and b) find it not made in China, I was forced to give up and once again buy non-American. We’ll have to see what the next year brings.

Happily Ever Afters……

The weekend was extra busy as friends were married Saturday and had a few other events leading up to the wedding. It was a bit unique in taking place on the dive boat as all the attendees were either family or members of the diving community – in some cases, both. The couple have been together for quite some time and like many do, had reasons for waiting to make the decision about getting married.

Not surprisingly, different stories about meetings and marriages came out during conversations. There were plenty of people present whose first marriage didn’t work out and the week before, other friends of ours were talking about how they were high school sweethearts and that was a long time ago. In my novels and especially short stories, I have a mix of falling in love, finding love in unexpected places, coping with divorce, realizing it was time to leave a relationship – all those “highs and lows” that are part of real life.

I’ve posted before about my belief in love at first sight and the opposite side of coming to terms that not everyone finds the kind of love that results in marriage or other long term commitment. As for “happily ever after”, that can also mean different things to different people. Marriage does require the ability to deal with “for better or worse”, in “sickness and in health”, because life can be difficult to the point of almost unbearable at times. Our thirty-sixth anniversary was last month and in case I haven’t said it lately in a post, I am married to one of the most wonderful men in the world. On the other hand, I’ll be having lunch later today with two friends; one of whom divorced decades ago and decided “once was enough for her”.

So, what does the future hold for the newly wed couple? Who knows, but they do seem to have a good start.

Insomnia Tough This Morning….

I’ve posted occasionally about my insomnia. General pattern is three hours sleep. Then I move to the front room on the very comfy love seat with my very comfy throw and tune the TV low. If I’m not back to sleep in fifteen minutes, it isn’t going to happen. Then it’s brew a mug of chamomile tea and come up to the computer. A couple of games of solitaire and I switch over to Twitter/X. The process takes about an hour and then usually I can get back to sleep for another three hours. I rarely get more than six.

The “bad mornings” are when it can take up to two hours to get back to sleep and this seems to be one of them. Not sure why; nothing unusual going on. Perhaps it’s the coming holidays of juggling commitments, kids visit, etc.,. Have multiple tasks to take care of in prep although everything is on track. My to-do list is lengthy as always and a mix of fun items and somewhat bothersome tasks. Again, nothing unusual about that. More likely it’s the annoyance that I don’t have the release date yet for my book and I had truly wanted it out by mid-November. The new publisher I’m trying has been pretty good to work with and if their alleged marketing package is good, that will make up for the annoyance. On the other hand, since I haven’t dealt with them before, this is very much a wait-and-see situation.

Ah well, I’ve almost finished the tea and will head back downstairs to see what happens.

Usual Lapse…

Okay, in hosting Thanksgiving, having to get articles into the paper a day early, plus squeezing in an extra article to promote a local group, one of the things that gave way was me posting to the blog. Laundry is also a must today.

Mother Nature was kind with beautiful weather and I do sympathize with those who suffered through otherwise. Having others bring some dishes did help although my decision to do sweet potatoes and the second type of dressing, as well as traditional plus the second turkey certainly resulted in plenty of leftovers for everyone. In fact, I am sure the turkey soup situation will result in one pot and one container filled with stock and turkey pieces to go into the freezer. I am old-fashioned on this one where I strip as much skin off as I can from the carcass (two in this case) and bring it to a boil, then low cook for two hours and let sit in the pot off the burner until it cools. Since that takes around another two hours, there is a lovely aroma in the house before I tackle the messy process of tossing bones, skin, and “yucky stuff” while saving the rich stock and edible bits of turkey. Yes, I saved appropriate slices for turkey sandwiches. Hubby has to work the next few days, so am not sure when the lunchtime turkey sandwiches will be made.

I have two versions of soup I make in order to keep it low carb as I have mentioned before. One uses the frozen riced cauliflower that really does resemble rice. The other version is more heavily vegetable and I use silken tofu as the thickener. This is the only time tofu is in the house. I might experiment with turkey white chili this time. The issue there is most white chili uses beans and all are high is carbs. We’ll see.


Release Date Coming Soon and…….

Okay, as I mentioned in other posts, I am using a new publisher for Shades of Remorse. I had hoped to have it out next week and that will not happen. Possibly mid-Dec, but could be as late as right before Christmas. That and one other thing with them has been disappointing although the individuals I’ve dealt with have been pleasant. The primary reason I went with them is because of a marketing package that if done as they say is better than what I’ve had with previous publishers. We’ll see how it actually plays out.

A bit more about “Remorse” first. The regular recurring characters are part of the story and one I keep in a minor role has popped up again. I introduce two new characters who could become recurring, and of course created a number of characters specific to the book. This will be Bev Henderson’s first cold case when a forty-year old skeleton is pulled from the water. There is essentially no forensics evidence and more than one suspect once the victim is identified. The wife, who explained she thought he had simply deserted her, is logically a suspect and she is part of the subplot as well. The theme of “remorse” is played out in various ways as the wife lives in a small complex with three other older women, all of whom have events in their lives they regret. Added to the mix is the niece of the woman who owns the complex. She has come from New Orleans, fleeing a dangerous situation.

Regular crime doesn’t slow down and ironically, connections to the dead man emerge in those cases providing thin threads to follow. As I also mentioned, this book has taken me longer to shape and write because I use three Points of View instead of my usual two. Making the story flow properly was a challenge and I did slightly modify the ending from my original plan. I will keep you posted as we get closer to publication.


Thanksgiving and Side Dishes…..

I have posted before about being startled the first time I went to my husband’s family gathering for Thanksgiving in Georgia. Not the 30 people by the time you added everyone up because my family was similar at it’s peak. Traditional turkey and ham as the meats were also the same and of course dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and cranberry sauce, plus desserts. The unexpected part was also regular green beans, broccoli coleslaw, potato salad (yes), macaroni and cheese, corn casserole, collards, and seems like at least one other. Not that lots of food wasn’t required; I simply wasn’t familiar with that many different extras. I finally asked Hubby about it and he said people had certain favorites and the tradition seemed to evolve with everyone bringing those as well as the “regular” dishes.

We are hosting this year here for friends – a small group – and since others really do want to bring something, I am going to be smart about it for a change. One friend will do the green bean casserole, another has a wonder roasted brussel sprouts dish, and the final one has this delicious cranberry relish. I will handle the dressing, mashed potatoes, lots of gravy and rolls, plus  apple pie. The cranberry relish person also does lemon curd cheesecake. Since I don’t have to do much with sides, I’ll come up with some kind of nice appetizer. I’ll do something different from the ones we do for our New Year’s Eve party. BJs tends to have some fancy, frozen appetizers they are probably stocking and we do have a three-rack oven to use.

So Many Activities….

Veterans Day always comes with some extra activities – well, not many more than Memorial Day. The thing is, there are events we cover for the paper, events we attend for civic reasons, personal events we have, and lots of people like to dive on the long weekends.

I left out at not quite 10:00 this morning and made it home about 2:30; just as Hubby was arriving from his scuba commitment. Tomorrow we head into Miami for the Rum Festival, but because the City has added a new event for tomorrow evening, we won’t spend as long – or drink as much – as usual. On the other hand, even though we enjoy the festival, we have been several times so staying a shorter time is okay. Since we’re not exactly sure yet when Hubby will be home after photographing the City event, we’ll thaw fish out and instead of grilling, I’ll do a stove top prep because he just has to call or text that he’s on the way home and I’ll wait to do the final step.

Monday is the Veteran’s Ceremony back downtown and parade. I’ll attend the ceremony and I don’t know yet if Hubby will come in to cover the parade. I have my regular Monday luncheon after the ceremony, but I also have something I need to do for HCA because on top of everything else this time of year, a critical report to the County is due next week and among the 11 documents we have to submit, one of them requires notarization. Since I also have a couple of other errands to run close to the place I go for notary, I’ll just put all of that together. This, of course, assumes nothing else pops up that requires action on my part. However, Hubby is happy because Georgia Tech has had a couple of bad games this season and did manage a win this afternoon against a stronger team. So, we’re definitely ahead for the day.

Another Round of Corrections…..

As happens in these situations, I had hoped to have a firm release date for Shades of Remorse by now. The cover is not in a format I can show yet and yes, when you see it late and say, “My, that’s kind of creepy!”, I agree. I think I mentioned this is a previous post. Anyway, when I received the interior proof from the publisher, I realized they had converted all the text into regular text instead of leaving certain passages in italics. I use those to designate different things. I thought it was odd to have happened and turns out, there was a glitch in their software and now I have to wait for the next version to come in. I did go ahead and correct the 44 errors I made. While that may seem like a lot, there are 264 pages. Most were small as usual – such as a “him” instead of a “his”. In one case, however, I did inadvertently change someone’s name partway through a chapter which accounted for 8 of the errors.

Okay, procedure-wise, after I receive the new proof, I turn it and then generally, it will be two weeks after when the book is released. In the meantime, I will share with you, my followers, the news that the book has been highlighted in USA Today as, “Mystery Author and Military Pioneer Charlie Hudson’s Journey to Storytelling and Uplifting Women”. Needless to say, I was surprised. When I was approached at trying to make this happen, I was highly doubtful. Here’s the link: https://bit.ly/3NRDwzs

The reason I told the firm to go ahead with publishing this before the book is released is to perhaps get people interested in checking out the earlier books in the series. As a reader, if I am interested in a book and realize it is later in a series, I try to go back to the first one and certainly at least the second.