About Charlie Hudson

Off with my combat boots and onto writing best describes Charlie my two careers. Born in Pine Bluff, Ark., and raised in Louisiana, I count myself as a military veteran, wife, mother, freelance writer, and author. What was intended to be a quick two years in the Army became a 22-year career instead, and somehow in the process, I discovered that I was an inadvertent pioneer by serving in several positions that had previously been held only by men. By the time I was in Desert Storm and later Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti, women in leadership assignments was more widely accepted. My love of writing never left me though whether it is a short article that highlights an animal rescue group, penning the stories of a female police detective in the Florida Keys, or presenting issues about aging that Baby Boomers need to address, or working on a corporate proposal. When my husband, Hugh, also retired from the Army, we relocated to South Florida where we can both enjoy the underwater world in dive sites all around Key Largo. We do break away though to still travel, and especially visit the Washington, D.C. area where son Dustin is a professional dancer and lives with his wife, Samantha.

Ooops, It’s March……..

Even with February being a short month, this one seemed to zip past faster than usual. That, of course, is also why once again I had a long gap between posts. Lots of competing tasks, deadlines, and so forth. At this point I am sounding a bit like the proverbial broken record, and as often happens there were fun events mixed with tasks.

Saturday was the annual Seafood Festival which is the major fundraiser for the Rotary Club. It was moved to Homestead maybe six years ago – something like that – and has grown into a life of its own. This year, we went around 5:30 on Saturday and despite some clouds, those cleared to make for nice sunset colors. Making a choice between the vendors as always difficult and at times, the decision has been based on the least long line. Not an issues this go-round which was nice, And since we can only eat so much at one sitting, one of us will go to one vendor and the other to another one. The food does tend to be expensive. Aside from the fact seafood is expensive, the vendor fees are high and so they have to recover those costs. Anyway, I picked up lobster rolls and made my way to the tent to find plenty of tables open. Hubby joined me shortly with a shrimp sampler basket. Fried shrimp, coconut shrimp, tempura, cajun-spiced and regular. It all made for a great combination paired with cold beer. The only drawback was the band on stage was the one least to my liking. They are all loud and good; but my preference is rock or C&W.

The coming week is extra jammed, too, and then there is a chance I will have a little bit of a break, although we do have the second major event for Homestead Center for the Arts mid-may.






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DogTag Diaries…..

Okay, most of you who follow the blog may have already seen this through Facebook. For those who might not and even who have, a little more background.

I joined Womens Military Alliance a few years ago and of course am a charter member of Women in Military Service of America Foundation (WIMSA). Other organizations and networks are then linked into those. Right around the holidays Captains Kim and Dakota contacted me about doing an episode for their podcast, Dogtag Diaries. I had never done a podcast although I have done a number of radio interviews. The difference in this case was length and it wasn’t broadcast live.  We set up a date and Captain Kim was the interviewer. I didn’t realize we were going so far back into my growing up background and it certainly stirred a lot of memories. The session is 40 minutes long and my suggestion is to have a favorite beverage on hand while listening. Many of the things I discuss have been the subject of my blog posts at different times. The interview also reminded my of subjects I recently posted about because I hadn’t thought of those for a long time. There is a lot of laughing involved in looking back, too. Here’s the link https://dogtagdiaries.captivate.fm/

On the everyday note, I would like to say things are settling down a bit, but we have the Carnival of the Arts on March 8th and dues to another of those convergences and some decisions I have made about new activities we are going to try, I have once again taken on extra tasks I had not intended. This is the old risk/reward aspect of taking a risk that we will get a larger turnout for the event. A larger turnout is the goal and will be the reward. Whether it will work or not is what we shall see.



Valentine’s Day In….

I think going out for the romantic Valentine’s Day is important early in a relationship. By a coincidence of timing, Hubby and I met on a Feb 13th (yes, a Friday as some of you recall from previous posts), which meant our “first anniversary” together was basically on Valentine’s Day. We went to a lovely restaurant and he gave me a pretty little butterfly pendant. As time progresses though, staying in to avoid the crowds makes more sense for us and that’s what we did last evening. Yes, I know Valentine’s Day was Friday, but it was easier for us to do special meal last night.

When we do this, we usually start with a first course – often seafood – and champagne. This time it was lobster bisque. We hadn’t been to Sprouts in ages and shopped there to get the bisque from a family company in New Hampshire, lovely Angus strip steaks, and asparagus. Although Sprouts is good for certain things, they don’t have much in the way of bakery. I planned to go by Publix on Saturday for dessert. As it turns out, as much as I wanted that luscious looking small chocolate cake and really thought about the small heart-shaped white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake, I passed on both of them. I am still trying to loose the two pounds gained from the holidays and knew it was better not to have leftovers. I got a package of six chocolate covered strawberries and the small frozen apple pie so the aroma of pie baking would kick off the evening. Oh, we did have a nice Cabernet Sauvignon with the steak.

Everything was excellent and while it might not be romantic sounding, NASCAR season beginning with Daytona did top the day off for Hubby. He made it home from work as the Xfinity race had plenty of exciting laps left.


The Kindle Version of “Remorse”….

Okay, some of you already know I decided to use a different publisher for “Shades of Remorse”. At the time I did so, it was primarily because of a marketing package they were including. The trailer they developed is nice, although I’m not sure I’m seeing any effect from it. https://youtu.be/wXUthErPzh0

The essence of my displeasure is the delays in publication. The interior design took longer than I am accustomed to, plus there were some alleged software glitches that caused further delay. Then physical production of the book – which does look nice – took me past the holiday market I wanted. Then the Kindle version took another absurd amount of time and was only made available Monday. That put start-to-finish time from when I sent the file in from Sept 6th to February 10th. They were pleasant enough people to deal with and the cover came back quickly which is part of why I didn’t anticipate these other delays. In truth, over the years I have used seven other publishers. The one I really liked suffered the common situation of successful small businesses. They were acquired by a very large business with the usual line of, “You can operate much as you always have; just as part of us.” Right, that lasted for about two years, then they were completely absorbed by the large entity.

Anyway, the e-book is out and I will have to see if maybe the publisher also did the format for Barnes and Nobles. That doesn’t usually happen and I don’t really expect it as Kindle definitely has the major market share. Ah well, another lesson learned.

Better Living Through Chemistry…..

It is a known expression and with some of the recent headlines about Big Pharma, lifestyles, etc., this is not about politics, but more about life choices.

Those who follow the blog know I often talk about being overweight and finding foods that are carb friendly. I am not diabetic, although my sister and nephew are. The lower carb issue is for basic weight. In essence I have been a yo-yo dieter since age seventeen which means a lot of years. Back in the day it was a constant struggle with 5 pounds and that amount steadily increased as I aged. Being in the Army was tough because that was an unrelenting thing and yes, after I retired, I slipped up until the struggle was with an extra 10 pounds. Then, for reasons that aren’t important, I really went out of control about 18 years ago. I came back down some, but still need to lose another 30 pounds.

What does that have to do with the above subject? High blood pressure does run on my paternal side and my doctor put me on medication years ago. She added a second one and later a statin for cholesterol. We have these constant one-way discussions about how if I would lose the weight and cut out more foods that I like, we could reduce the meds. Yes, I know that, and yes, I do still work at it. I have an exercise program of six days a week and I have given up greatly on a number of foods I enjoy. The simple fact is I don’t want to go to the kind of diet that I know will work. I did enough of that. Will I someday say, “Yeah, okay, I’ll  do it again”? Maybe. I certainly won’t do so because of lecturing. On the other hand, I am not big on lots of medications, but these are a conscious trade-off for me.

And Two Weeks Gone…

Okay, having now realized the long gap between posts, it’s the usual story, plus a little. I had hoped this year after the holidays, things might be a little slower and I might have resolved a couple of issues that demand so much of my time. Apparently not.

I did have good reason to think this; I merely miscalculated being able to accomplish tasks that are linked to resolution of the issues. Since these tasks are out of my control, that means – news flash! – I have to wait on other people. Sigh! In other words, I may or may not get my resolutions so will try again next week to set things into motion. One item has been resolved, but that was an extra “pop up” anyway. Another I thought was resolved has come a little unraveled and might perhaps be back under control after a meeting next week. Ah well, this is why I have a category in my topics of, “When Real Life Interferes”.

I do have an author presentation this evening which is the first one in a long time. I  enjoy these and I am going to contact the nearest County library branch to see about maybe doing one there. While libraries won’t carry my physical books, I will see if the local folks have a choice about e-books. If controlled at County level, I don’t think I’ll have much of a chance, but I won’t know if I don’t ask.

Anyway, the topic this evening is, “Mechanics of Murder”. I’ve discussed this in previous posts about how to decide which victims will be killed off and how. I may have mentioned when I began “Shades of Remorse”, I hadn’t planned a large body count. Turns out I had to kill off six more than the original two. This is the kind of thing that can happen as they story develops. However, only one of the extras was sort of a good guy.

Another Guest Post…

I’ve had a few posts from Candace Sigmon and this one is about becoming a digital nomad. While it might not be for most of  my readers personally, you may well have friends or relatives it could apply to.

A bit about Candace first. You could say Candace Sigmon was born to DIY. She has always loved to tinker, fix, and build, and she has been working on home projects with her dad pretty much ever since she could hold a hammer. She created AtHomeHelper.com because she thought it might be fun to share some of what she has learned along the way as well as resources that she finds especially useful.

Here is her post and we thank her for it.

From Office to Anywhere: Crafting Your Digital Nomad Career: Embracing the digital nomad lifestyle offers the freedom to combine meaningful work with a life of exploration. Success in this journey comes from building a career that aligns with personal passions while remaining adaptable to change. It requires cultivating skills, fostering connections, and maintaining a balance between ambition and flexibility. With the right mindset and preparation, anyone can transform their dream of working from anywhere into a thriving reality.

Thriving as a Digital Nomad: Mastering Motivation and Discipline: To succeed in the world of remote work, mastering self-motivation and discipline is essential. Establishing a structured daily routine can significantly enhance productivity and help maintain a healthy work-life balance. Creating a dedicated workspace, free from distractions like social media and household chores, is crucial for maintaining focus. Regularly connecting with colleagues through video calls can alleviate feelings of isolation and boost motivation. By integrating these strategies, you can effectively navigate the challenges of remote work and thrive in a digital nomad lifestyle.

Building a Career as an IT Professional: Developing a successful career in IT requires both technical expertise and a commitment to continuous learning. One way to sharpen your skills is by pursuing an online degree program, which offers flexibility to study while maintaining your current job. Earning a computer science degree can deepen your understanding of IT, programming, and foundational computer science concepts. This is worth considering for those looking to stay competitive in a field that demands constant innovation. Online education provides a practical pathway to enhance your qualifications and open doors to new opportunities.

Harness Storytelling to Build Emotional Connections: Storytelling serves as a key strategy for fostering genuine connections and building loyal communities. By sharing narratives that resonate emotionally, brands can create bonds that inspire trust and empathy. This approach enhances how audiences perceive the brand and encourages stronger engagement, often influencing purchasing decisions. Including authentic perspectives, like testimonials or case studies, adds depth and credibility, helping a brand stand out in competitive spaces.

Leveraging Virtual Events for Digital Nomad Success: Embracing virtual events is a strategic step for aspiring digital nomads aiming to advance their careers. These online gatherings, such as virtual conferences, offer invaluable opportunities to learn from industry leaders through engaging keynote speeches and panel discussions. By participating in these events, you can join interactive workshops and networking sessions, which are crucial for forging meaningful connections with influential figures in your field. This proactive approach not only keeps you updated on the latest industry trends but also paves the way for potential partnerships and collaborations.

Achieving Financial Flexibility in a Nomadic Lifestyle: Adjusting your budget to match the unpredictable nature of a nomadic lifestyle is essential for staying financially secure. Expenses shift with every destination, influenced by accommodation rates, local costs, and currency changes. Maintaining a spending plan well below your earnings helps build a cushion for unexpected challenges or higher expenses. Treat your budget as a flexible guide, revisiting it often to align with your evolving journey.

Developing Meaningful Connections as a Digital Nomad: Building authentic relationships with locals and fellow nomads can add depth and fulfillment to your journey. Embracing local customs and engaging in cultural activities opens doors to understanding and appreciation. Joining in community efforts or picking up the local language helps cultivate a sense of belonging while broadening your perspective. Connecting with like-minded travelers through social networks creates opportunities for support and shared experiences. These interactions enrich both personal growth and the overall experience of a nomadic lifestyle.

Essential Cybersecurity Tips for Digital Nomads: Securing your data and privacy is essential in today’s dynamic cyber threat environment. Public Wi-Fi, often relied upon in shared spaces, poses significant risks without proper precautions. Using tools like VPNs, keeping devices updated, and enabling two-factor authentication are key steps to protect sensitive information. Staying mindful of online sharing habits further strengthens your defenses against phishing and malware threats. Adopting these measures creates a safer foundation for remote work and enhances peace of mind while traveling.

Embracing a digital nomad lifestyle requires a balance of preparation, adaptability, and an open mind. By crafting a sustainable career and maintaining meaningful connections, this way of life becomes not only achievable but deeply rewarding. Prioritizing financial security, cultural engagement, and personal growth ensures a fulfilling journey. With the right strategies, the freedom to work and explore seamlessly can become your reality.

Story Ideas…..

I find myself in a bit of an unusual situation. Way back when I wrote my first novel, “Orchids in the Snow”, I made a number of rookie mistakes. In realizing I wasn’t going to be making a living from the book, I went on to a “real job” and turned to a different genre with “Shades of Murder”, and also started thinking about doing a non-fiction.

While I didn’t initially plan a series, that developed, as did others and some stand-alones, plus other non-fiction. For those who have followed my blog, you are aware of my acceptance of no significant commercial success, yet the enjoyment of each book I create and appreciation for the loyal fans I have. With the recent release of, “Shades of Remorse”, fifth in the “Shades” series, and the previous, “Idyllic Islands”, fourth in the Chris Green series, I have actually worked through most of the story ideas I’ve had for both of those. (Okay, I do have one for Chris Green, but I can’t get to the kind of expert I need to research a core piece.) I’m drawing a blank for a plot I haven’t already done between the two series. Now, I do have two stand-alones I’ve been considering, but with one, I’m not sure I can create enough for a full length novel. The other which could instead be adapted as another Chris Green one requires some other research I haven’t engaged in yet. This isn’t the proverbial “writers block” one hears about, but rather a desire to ensure I bring something new to each book. Ah well, I’ll keep pondering the possibilities.



Souping Up Leftovers….

The kids’ visit was good although we didn’t get around to quite everything we intended. That was a combination of Hubby had to work a few extra hours and the kids had one excursion planned I hadn’t known about. Everyone had a good time and I did fit in one swim afternoon with granddaughter. She is almost up to my shoulder with that last growth spurt. She is taking after the “tall shoot” on her maternal side – her uncle. Not sure if that will continue or she’ll slow down later.

Anyway, as usual after departure we have several leftovers. Some I was able to give away, one we will still need for a regular meal and Saturday I made one of my creative soups to clear out three+ packages. I have to digress for a moment to explain. Hubby comes from the part of Georgia where Brunswick stew is a big thing. Now, their version is entirely different from the Carolinas’ version. The Georgia one takes beef, pork, chicken, tomatoes, corn, and some spices as well as stock. All the meats are cooked separately, then blended in along with the vegetables and simmered for a while. It is an effort and is delicious and of a smooth texture.

I’ve previously mentioned my issue with soup thickeners such as potatoes being high in carbohydrates and I use riced cauliflower or silken tofu instead. I had neither at home and didn’t really want to make a run to the store. I rummaged in the freezer and found a package of Oven Roasters cauliflower that had been in there for quite some time. Close enough since I was going to use the blender anyway. I roasted them, set them aside and cut up the leftover pork chop, lamb chop, and diced the leftover chicken. I diced a few celery strips and carrots, cooking them while I pureed the cauliflower in stock in the blender. Added that to the pot. Did the same then with the leftover pork and lamb. The two blended items provided the thickener and I added in the diced chicken along with enough more stock to simmer for about thirty minutes. Since everything was previously seasoned, all I added was some grinds of black pepper. With the lamb and beef stock, the creamy soup was the same brown color as a gumbo and it was excellent with low carbs and low fat.

Of Books and Such…..

I think most who follow the blog may also be on Facebook and saw that “Shades of Remorse” is finally out in paperback. The Kindle version will be another couple of weeks which continues my annoyance with the new publisher. Since the primary reason I went with them instead of the one I’ve used for the last few books is they include a marketing package. We’ll see if that does anything for me.

As I mentioned in a previous post, writing from three different Points of View was a first for me and I don’t plan to do that again. Not only did it take me a long time to decide how to approach it, I had to re-sequence a number of things in order to get the flow the way I wanted. I did also modify the ending a bit after I decided my original intent was a bit too dark. I’m not sure what I’ll do next. I have a stand-alone I’ve been considering for several years and may play around with that for a while. I do have a short story collection and I might check the market and see if there is much of an audience for that genre these days. It seems to come and go. I actually had a niche publisher interested in it several years, but they didn’t survive in what is a competitive business.

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. I picked the kids up yesterday afternoon and it will be a busy few days. They are staying one day longer than usual and so far, the weather looks promising.