Rain Continued…..

Mother Nature will do what she will do and for the local people, it had been a dry summer and they need rain. The one good thing is it wasn’t torrential rain. Enough to make it uncomfortable, especially as the temperature dropped, too.

On the other hand, we were on the bus for half the tour yesterday morning and then part of it was in a magnificent church.whose name I have to look up.The architecture of Budapest is beautiful and Hubby was able to get a number of photographs. We also managed to get into a coffee house for cake and coffee with a few minutes to spare. For those who may not be familiar with the origin of Starbucks, the founder was inspired by the coffee houses of Europe and wondered why we couldn’t have something similar. I’m not certain of the name of the type of cake we shared, but it was thin layers of a yellow with milk chocolate icing in between and sort of a crunchy caramel topping.

We came back to the ship for lunch and waited a while. The rain did stop although the temperature dropped a little more. It was heavily overcast and we did go out to go up and walk across the famous Chain Bridge. It was built in the 1800s as the first permanent bridge across the Danube linking the Buda and Pest sides. Hubby got more photos as he is posting on Facebook and Instagram.

Dinner feature was chicken paprika; a very different version of what we are accustomed to. It was a thin sauce with paprika of course and diced red and yellow peppers. Budapest, somewhat like Paris, is famous for lighting up at night and Hubby braved the cold and went up top to get some wonderful photographs.

We transfer to the hotel in a few hours although we won’t be able to check in until 3:00. Hoping for a break on the weather to allow us to walk around.

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