PA Trip, Day 3……..

The rain did clear and the temperature stayed cold. Not much let-up there although it will be a little better. Wednesday is supposed to be more rain and we’ll probably have to switch plans for tomorrow in order to do the Franklin Institute on Wednesday instead. We’ll see. The drive in yesterday was pretty good and we finally figured out how to use the elevator. While that sounds strange, it is automated in a way that makes sense once you understand it. There are no floor buttons inside the car. You press the appropriate “band” of floors before getting on, tap your key card, then it tells you which elevator to get into. The floor is pre-programmed. And yes, if you make an error, you have to get out and start over. The elevators are fast though.

Anyway, we had a lovely lunch at The Playwright, an Irish Pub, a few minutes walk from the hotel. Hubby did Shepard’s pie and Guiness to be traditional and I had crab cakes and salad with the crab cakes done correctly. For all the good seafood we have in our area, no one makes good crab cakes, Dinner was to be the highlight and it did not disappoint.  There are five Wolfgang Steakhouse locations; the original a ten-minute ride away. With fifteen of us for dinner, it was a boisterous event and Richie arranged for it to be family-style. The seafood tower as starters had prawns, lobster, and lump crab, Then there were the salad and sliced beefsteak tomatoes with thick onion slices. The porterhouse steaks were sliced and three traditional sides served as well. The dessert tray was cheesecake, chocolate mousse pie, key lime pie, apple strudel, and mounds of whipped cream with sliced strawberries. We did beg off the “after party” which allegedly was going to be over with by midnight.

I think we’re having a quick breakfast with just four of us this morning, then back on the road to Philadelphia.

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