About That I Told You So……

This is going to be a short post and it will seem rather odd coming on the end of a holiday weekend. First, I do hope everyone was able to relax at least a little and enjoy family and/or friends depending on your particular situation.

Now to the fact that no matter how old we get, I suppose there is always the opportunity to make mistakes even though we might genuinely think we are correct. While experience is a good teacher, we can either lose a lesson or think we are in a situation where one we learned many years ago isn’t applicable. I popped onto Brainy Quotes and found the Oscar Wilde one of, “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Although the goal should be to not repeat them, I suppose in our human reality, we do slip up with that. And if we have been warned, and move ahead with something anyway, the time may come when the individual who tried to warn you ought to have the opportunity to say, “Yeah, I told you so.” Whether or not the individual chooses to do so is another matter and if you happen to be the one who gave the warning that was ignored, it can be tricky to decide whether to let the phrase slip, or keep it quiet. Any thoughts on this one?

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