Ooops, It’s March……..

Even with February being a short month, this one seemed to zip past faster than usual. That, of course, is also why once again I had a long gap between posts. Lots of competing tasks, deadlines, and so forth. At this point I am sounding a bit like the proverbial broken record, and as often happens there were fun events mixed with tasks.

Saturday was the annual Seafood Festival which is the major fundraiser for the Rotary Club. It was moved to Homestead maybe six years ago – something like that – and has grown into a life of its own. This year, we went around 5:30 on Saturday and despite some clouds, those cleared to make for nice sunset colors. Making a choice between the vendors as always difficult and at times, the decision has been based on the least long line. Not an issues this go-round which was nice, And since we can only eat so much at one sitting, one of us will go to one vendor and the other to another one. The food does tend to be expensive. Aside from the fact seafood is expensive, the vendor fees are high and so they have to recover those costs. Anyway, I picked up lobster rolls and made my way to the tent to find plenty of tables open. Hubby joined me shortly with a shrimp sampler basket. Fried shrimp, coconut shrimp, tempura, cajun-spiced and regular. It all made for a great combination paired with cold beer. The only drawback was the band on stage was the one least to my liking. They are all loud and good; but my preference is rock or C&W.

The coming week is extra jammed, too, and then there is a chance I will have a little bit of a break, although we do have the second major event for Homestead Center for the Arts mid-may.






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