No Green Beer……

I have never bothered to find out where the idea of green beer for Saint Patrick’s Day came from. Dying a river green is one thing, but beer? I realize the coloring probably doesn’t affect the taste and I don’t care.

Anyway, since we are corned beef and cabbage people, we tend to rotate between Shepard’s Pie, lamb chops, and Irish Stew. This year it was Shepard’s Pie and we did still have two Guinness left. I don’t drink that, but Hubby does. I wasn’t able to find Harp for him to be able to make an authentic black and tan and for me to drink the Harp. Oh well, I didn’t have time to go to different places to look. He did get a bottle of Jaimeson’s Black the other day instead of Bushmills and since it was a Monday, we went straight to sipping the whiskey rather than making Irish Coffee. Not only was it a Monday, we also had out monthly HCA meeting which is why I didn’t have time to do something like make Irish soda bread or look for other things. It was all good even if minimal.

The kids had their fifteenth anniversary back in Sept and I had intended to send them for a trip to Ireland. With the purchase of the dance studio though and the fact they are going to have to move to a new location (very close by), that meant no big trips for a while. Ah well, Ireland will still be there. Daughter-in-law can pinpoint her heritage and if I can remember on one of my trips to Louisiana, I’ll ask my favorite aunt if she knows ours. That may, however, be on my father’s side as is the Scottish. Lots mixed among those and no, I don’t plan to do a test. I’m happy with the family stories.

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