Not the Best Day….

In discussing the planned trip, we did say the weather in Europe is usually lovely this time of year, but it can turn bad. Yesterday was raining and the temperature dropped. Now in all fairness, it apparently didn’t really rain much until later although the temp was down. We decided (along with quite a few others) to tuck in with reading, and so forth. Hubby did venture out for an hour or so in the afternoon while I took a nap. He made it to the park where Europe’s oldest Ferris wheel is still in operation and only got a little light rain on his way back. I later decided to go up on the top deck for fresh air. That was in fact when rain picked up so I just stepped out onto a covered veranda for a few minutes.

We set sail a bit after five for Budapest and unfortunately today might not be much better. We’ll see. Dinner last night was extra special as chateaubriande. It wasn’t served traditionally of course as that would be really difficult for a crowd. The steak was tender and delicious and the bernaise sauce was excellent as were the potatoes dauphinoise. For a change, I didn’t care for any of the desserts and was able to pass on that.

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