Deadlines are rather pesky and have exactly zero respect for things like weekends, holidays, birthdays, etc. Those who operate in deadline-driven careers are very familiar with this. In the freelance world, deadlines are a fairly constant companion and in this particular case, it is a combination of work, volunteering for certain things, and a dash of personal thrown in. That kept me out of the water yesterday and in fact has kept me “dry” more this past year than intended. I am planning to do better in the coming months and we will see how that goes.
In the meantime, I am making progress on multiple things and in fact have a teleconference tomorrow about the cover design for Georgina’s Grief that I am pushing to have out for the Homestead Main Street Book Fair, Saturday, Oct 11th. This is the third novel featuring underwater investigator Chris Green and she’s back in the Bahamas for a bit, then goes to New Orleans. More to follow about that.
With deadlines fairly well under control though, I will take this evening for birthday celebration at Fish House Encore in Key Largo. We would go further down to Chef Michel’s, but quite honestly, I don’t feel like messing with the construction traffic.