Of Books and Such…..

I think most who follow the blog may also be on Facebook and saw that “Shades of Remorse” is finally out in paperback. The Kindle version will be another couple of weeks which continues my annoyance with the new publisher. Since the primary reason I went with them instead of the one I’ve used for the last few books is they include a marketing package. We’ll see if that does anything for me.

As I mentioned in a previous post, writing from three different Points of View was a first for me and I don’t plan to do that again. Not only did it take me a long time to decide how to approach it, I had to re-sequence a number of things in order to get the flow the way I wanted. I did also modify the ending a bit after I decided my original intent was a bit too dark. I’m not sure what I’ll do next. I have a stand-alone I’ve been considering for several years and may play around with that for a while. I do have a short story collection and I might check the market and see if there is much of an audience for that genre these days. It seems to come and go. I actually had a niche publisher interested in it several years, but they didn’t survive in what is a competitive business.

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas. I picked the kids up yesterday afternoon and it will be a busy few days. They are staying one day longer than usual and so far, the weather looks promising.

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