Insomnia Tough This Morning….

I’ve posted occasionally about my insomnia. General pattern is three hours sleep. Then I move to the front room on the very comfy love seat with my very comfy throw and tune the TV low. If I’m not back to sleep in fifteen minutes, it isn’t going to happen. Then it’s brew a mug of chamomile tea and come up to the computer. A couple of games of solitaire and I switch over to Twitter/X. The process takes about an hour and then usually I can get back to sleep for another three hours. I rarely get more than six.

The “bad mornings” are when it can take up to two hours to get back to sleep and this seems to be one of them. Not sure why; nothing unusual going on. Perhaps it’s the coming holidays of juggling commitments, kids visit, etc.,. Have multiple tasks to take care of in prep although everything is on track. My to-do list is lengthy as always and a mix of fun items and somewhat bothersome tasks. Again, nothing unusual about that. More likely it’s the annoyance that I don’t have the release date yet for my book and I had truly wanted it out by mid-November. The new publisher I’m trying has been pretty good to work with and if their alleged marketing package is good, that will make up for the annoyance. On the other hand, since I haven’t dealt with them before, this is very much a wait-and-see situation.

Ah well, I’ve almost finished the tea and will head back downstairs to see what happens.

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