There really is something special about living in a place where orchids are as common as roses in other areas and having mango, and papaya season not long after you have strawberry season is an annual event. If we get fruit this year and can pluck lemons and limes from our trees, we’ll happily use those for as long as they are bearing. On the other hand, the same conditions that allow these wonderful plants to grow means weeds couldn’t be happier. Well, not that weeds have emotions, but you get the idea. I won’t say it’s a never-ending battle, although you really can’t let too many days lapse if you hope to have any type of control. Then there is the matter of certain plants growing so well you look out one day and realize you now have a root-bound plant and the pot is either toppling over because it’s too heavy or it might be cracking from the expansion. Hubby is going to build a new planter to remedy one such situation and if I don’t get out there soon and figure out what to do with the bird of paradise, I’m not entirely sure what will happen to it.
As I’ve explained before in the blog, I’m definitely not a gardener and in attempting to gain at least a little ability, these are the setbacks that make me wonder if there is any chance for me. I do have other interests to keep me occupied. It just seems as if when one has a great environment for plants, one ought to be able to make this work to some degree.