I know I’m behind a day in posting – I’ve had some unexpected things pop up and I was pressing to get the manuscript for Small Town Quilting Blues into the editor. I had fallen behind a week with that between the holidays and a few other unexpected events, so I didn’t want to lose any more time. Having hit the Send button about an hour ago with the manuscript, I can give a quick update on what the latest goings-on are with Helen and her friends in the town of Wallington, Georgia.
If you haven’t read the quilting-themed cozies yet of Small Town Lies and Small Town Haven, I won’t give too much away. Helen Crowder, our main character, and three of the members of the quilting circle head off for a quilting cruise in the Caribbean and there are some fun adventures that take place. Not surprisingly, one of those is that Helen and Becky take a one-day Discover Scuba course. When they return home, a bit of a tempest is brewing in town over a proposal for an organization to build a group home in town for special needs adults. The objections to the home stir strong feelings among the quilting circle and the women are determined to support the effort. There is some question though as to if perhaps there is something else that is going on, that there could be an ulterior motivation behind the opposition.
If all goes well, Small Town Quilting Blues will be out in late March or early April.