Another Step in the Back Yard……

I don’t have a photo yet, but should soon. When we decided to “recover” the back yard, part of our intent was to toss some of the older items that we had “recycled” such as the broken saw stand that became a side table. The re-purposed items were fine initially, but it is a very harsh environment here with constant heat, sun, rain, and furniture/décor that is not made for outdoor use has a limited life span. The extra table we had with a tiled top and a great urn as a base was another piece that had developed issues with the tabletop and the base was badly cracked due to pressure from the sand inside of it that had served as “weighting and stability”. Not surprisingly, the cracked section of the urn broke away when hubby was wrestling the tabletop loose. However, we really do like the terracotta urn that stands about three feet high and has these two great bas relief swordfish on it. So, we needed a new side table in one spot and we did have the umbrella left from the table we tossed. The cover for the previous fire pit actually had a circle in it where the umbrella could fit and it was a slightly larger diameter than the top of the urn. Hmmm………

Gorilla Glue alleges to work well outdoors and the broken chunk went back into place with very little of it missing. The glue appears to be holding, and the old top to the fire pit took the coats of bronze spray paint quite well. We’ll see tomorrow (or in the next few days depending on our schedules) if all the pieces will fit together to give us the look we want. If it works, a photo will follow.

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