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Special Offer for New and Old Fans

A warm welcome to new readers and a thank-you to those who have been fans from early on. We are currently offering a special discount on Orchids in the Snow (50% off). I wrote the book as a tribute to the military family, although readers without a military background have also enjoyed it. Orchids makes a wonderful gift to someone you care about or just treat yourself.

The book, normally $11.95, is $6 per copy and includes taxes, shipping and handling. Unfortunately RKH Enterprise cannot handle credit cards at this time.  Checks can be made out to Charlotte Kimball and books will be shipped within three business days via the US Post Office media mail.  Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.  All books will be autographed and individual inscriptions can be provided.

You can write to Ms. Charlotte Kimball, C/O RKH Enterprises, Urb. Monte Claro, ME-4, Plaza 11, Bayamon, PR 00961 for more information, send a message via the Contact Charlie tab, or print out and mail the attached form.

Special Offer for Orchids in the Snow

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Total enclosed______________

Name and shipping address___________________________________




Tel number and email address (optional)________________________


Names for inscriptions (if desired; please print or type):

Make checks payable to Charlotte Kimball

Mail to Ms. Charlotte Kimball, C/O RKH Enterprises, Urb. Monte Claro, ME-4, Plaza 11, Bayamon, PR 00961

Books will be shipped within three business days.  Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.