There’s a Rainbow Outside….

We just had an early morning shower and I glanced out in time to see a rainbow fading, but still with distinctive colors. I was having a conversation the other day with my friend, Kelly, about rainbows because she’d seen a double. Those really are spectacular and for ayone who has ever been in Hawaii, you know why they have a rainbow on their licence plate. During the two years we lived there, we didn’t make it to Molokai or Lanai – well, didn’t land on Lanai, but did visit the Big Island, Kaui, and Maui. I have to say that even though all the islands are resplendant with rainbows, Kaui probably was more so than the others. The almost daily showers varied intensity-wise, yet at the end, or sometimes in the midst of, a single, often double, and frequently a triple rainbow would stretch across the sky.

We didn’t get to dive Lanai, although we did do a snorkeling trip crossing from Maui, so we were in the Lanai waters. We were flying the next day, so couldn’t book a dive. We’d tried once before for the little island, but couldn’t make the crossing because of weather. The same with not being able to dive Kaui. The one trip we made there was on the tail end of a storm and while snorkeling in the protected bays was fine, the dive boats weren’t going out.

Anyway, back to rainbows. We had them so often in Hawaii that we sometimes forgot to stop and pay attention to how pretty they were. I do try to make that a habit and we do get our fair share here. So, I would urge each of you to take a moment the next time you see a rainbow and enjoy the sight.


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