Our Limes Are Back……

Limes From Tree in Our Back Yard

Limes From Tree in Our Back Yard

Anyone who has followed the blog for a while is aware of the woes we have had with our lime tree. The foliage has always been great, but production of limes has been from nothing to almost nothing and we could never understand why. Well, actually the first year was really good, but the birds ruined all the fruit. A couple of years ago we blamed the birds again when we’d had a huge number of tiny fruit and they all disappeared. A lady told us that wasn’t birds, but rather that the ground around the tree was retaining too much moisture and the budding fruit was dropping from the tree rather than maturing. This whole situation was particularly puzzling since the lemon tree next to it didn’t seem to have any of these issues. So we essentially gave up on the idea of home grown limes and enjoyed the lemons.

A few weeks ago hubby was trimming the tree and realized there was mature fruit. Not only was there fruit, there were three limes ready and more to come. We were both startled and had no idea what might have happened or how long this growing spurt will last, but we are taking advantage of it.

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